Indonesian Province SMM chapter report for the fifth day
SELECTING A SCALE OF PRIORITIES, this is exactly what sums up the entire journey of the chapter on this fifth day. After yesterday the capitulants formulated important themes that would become a reality, the needs and hopes of SMM Indonesia in the next six year period, today the capitulants - by going to a deeper place - sorted out which of these themes were - things that are needed, which ones are recorded as recommendations and which things are recorded as memos.
If in the 2018 chapter, most of the energy and time of the chapter was spent discussing the vision and mission and wasting time arguing about the formulation of words and sentences for the vision and mission, then this year's chapter is not like that. Guided by RP. Ignasius Budiono, O.Carm as facilitator, the captains easily took an inventory of the themes that were of concern to the union, sorted them into three categories, namely NEEDS, RECOMMENDATIONS and MEMORANDUMS, and prepared practical steps as a commitment to bringing these themes to life. Some themes, for example, are about Montfortian identity, spirituality and charisma, initial formation and further development formation, asset management, planning culture and so on. Because these themes were mutually agreed upon yesterday, today's discussion will not take too long. The facilitator uses a voting method to determine our current theme/concern categories.
In the afternoon, the chapter continued with discussion of the revised statutes and responses by the chapter. As we all know, our statute revision team consists of Father Kristian, Father Kasmir, Father Melky and father Edy. After revision, the revised statute is then presented before the capitulants for comment. There are no heated debates, instead there is only dialogue and trying to convey good wishes to each other for our congregation, specifically our entity in Indonesia. There are old things that have only been revised and there are new things that have been added.
At the end of the session after ratifying the statute, Father General conveyed several things, especially suggestions and hopes regarding tomorrow's activities. There's no recreation tonight. The capitulants entered into a silentium magnum situation while praying silently for wisdom for tomorrow's decision. Let's pray for the important decisions that the capitulants will take tomorrow.
RP. Wawan, SMM