Formed AMQAH Indonesia

PMRSH history can search for Saint Montfort. In True Devotion, Saint Montfort expresses a longing for this group. In this opportunity, the history of PMRSH will be briefly described.

A Brief History And Statutes: The Fruit of Longing
Many people were moved by the teachings of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort. They want to live up to their spirit by carrying out their respective duties and callings in life every day. The origins of this group already existed in the time of Montfort. He also longs for that kind of brotherhood as revealed in one of his books, True Bakti to Maria (BS). He wrote, “… – this service was not established as a fraternity even though it was desired – … .” (BS 227). In response to the passion and longing of so many followers of Saint Montfort, Mgr. Thomas Duhamel, Archbishop of Ottawa, Canada, founded the Fraternity of Mary, Queen of All Hearts. In a pastoral letter in 1907, Mgr. Duhamel said, “We founded, on March 25, 1899, the Fraternity of Mary, Queen of All Hearts, in the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, … . We feel how happy and excited we are to witness such extensive developments that have taken place in eight years by this pious brotherhood. Its members worldwide now number more than one hundred thousand people. So satisfying for us is the expansion and dissemination in this diocese of the official instrument of the Fraternity, the Emissary of Mary, Queen of All Hearts (Le Messager de Marie, Reine des coeurs), as well as other developments in Marian's publications. The Fraternity of Mary, Queen of All Hearts. Mgr. Duhamel was born in Contrecoeur, Quebec Province, on December 6, 1841, to a farming family. In 1848, he came to Ottawa. At a very young age, he studied at a college, founded by Mgr. Guigues, who had just been ordained a bishop. This college became the University of Ottawa (Université d'Ottawa). Then at the age of 16, he studied in the seminary. After becoming a priest, he succeeded his predecessor, Mgr. Guigues, as bishop in 1874. Mgr. Thomas Duhamel died in Casselman, Ontario, on Saturday, June 5, 1909. He was on his way to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. He was the bishop of Ottawa for nearly 35 years. As bishop, Mgr Duhamel has a clear respect for Our Lady, Queen of Hearts. This can be seen from his pastoral letters to priests which he delivered in his mother tongue from 1900 to June 1909. The first pages of his letters bear the message: to Jesus through Mary, Queen of All Hearts (Tout Jésus par Marie, reine de coeurs). He considered the establishment of the Fraternity of Mary Queen of All Hearts the most appropriate course of action in his episcopate era. This is the experience he likes to remember the most among his many actions. While stating that a child reminisces with pleasure what he has done for his mother, Mgr. Duhamel is very grateful to the Fathers of Montfortan for allowing him to do something very special for the Mother of God. “It is the desire of every priest, every bishop, to act so that Mary is loved and it was my episcopate dream to do something very special for the Mother of God.” This is the confession of Mgr. Duhamel. The fraternity of Mary, Queen of Hearts, quickly spread to Italy and then spread throughout the world.

Upgrading Status
Sejarah PMRSH semakin menggembirakan dengan adanya perubahan status. Pada 28 April 1913, Paus Pius X meningkatkan status Persaudaraan tersebut menjadi “Perserikatan Agung” di Roma. Lalu, pada 1955 Tahta Suci mendirikan sebuah persaudaraan bagi para imam yang disebut “Asosiasi para Imam Maria”. Setelah Konsili Vatikan II, terjadi banyak pembaharuan Kongregasi-kongregasi Religius di seluruh dunia. Demikian pula terjadi perubahan pandangan atas Persaudaraan dan Asosiasi para Imam. Karena itu, kemudian diputuskan untuk menyatukan persaudaraan dan asosiasi itu dalam satu wadah. Selain itu, Vatikan II memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap peran kaum awam dalam Gereja. Lalu, Paus Yohanes Paulus II dalam amanat apostoliknya, Vita Consecrata, yang berbicara tentang kehidupan religius, juga menyinggung soal “misi of laity". 

In response to all this, the Society of Mary Montfort (SMM) has drawn up a new Statute for the fraternity. On April 26, 2001, the Holy See through the Congregation for Consecrated Life and the Association for Apostolic Life ratified the new Statute. Furthermore, the brotherhood was called the Union of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH). As described in its Statute, the PMRSH association does not have its organizational structure but is organically united with SMM. Thus, the General Manager of SMM is also the General Leader of the union (Statute art. 2 1, art. 4). It is he who has the right to establish Association branches and centers. Now AMQAH has 140 centers spread all over the world. By choosing the name of the Union of Maria Raru All Hearts (AMQAH), in Indonesia, This association has been started in the Diocese of Ruteng, Flores, Diocese of Bandung, Diocese of Malang, Diocese of Sintang, West Kalimantan. Currently, AMQAH continues to be introduced to people who are interested in taking part in living the spirit (spirituality) of Saint Montfort.

Briefly, it can be explained, that AMQAH was formed with the aim that more people, including the laity, take part in the missionary work of the Montfortans in the Church, namely to prepare the Kingdom of Christ in the world through the Virgin Mary. The task is carried out by living the baptismal promises in daily life. The baptismal promises must be renewed throughout life. According to St. Montfort, the most perfect way to renew Baptist promises is to commit oneself completely to Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, through the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thus, AMQAH members become witnesses of the Gospel every day, according to their respective life statuses. Therefore, in a certain sense, AMQAH can be called an “extension” of SMM. However,

This union is open to all Catholics (lay, priests, religious) who wish to follow the spiritual and apostolic path proposed by Saint Montfort (Statute art. 8). Religious, who wish to join, need to pay attention to the provisions of Canon Law: “Members of religious institutes may register themselves in associations according to the norms of the institute's law, with the approval of their respective Superiors” (CRC 307, 3). After participating in the necessary assistance, the prospective members apply to the appointed Leader. In the petition, they expressed their motivation to become members of PMRSH. Next, they followed the preparation of self-dedication for 33 days. After that, they made a solemn dedication in front of the Guild Leader or his deputy. Each prospective member dedicates himself to Jesus Christ, Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom, through the hands of Mary, according to the formula of Saint Montfort. It was at this time that the candidates were officially accepted as members and their names were recorded in the Master Register of PMRSH members in the General Leader's House of SMM, in Rome.

The history of PMRSH and its development will continue as more laypeople live the spirituality of Saint Montfort.