SMM Parish
Parish is the first mission work of the Montfortians in Indonesia. Parish mission work was carried out by the Montfortians because it was in accordance with the needs of the people at that time. Especially when the Diocese of Sintang was handed over to the Montforitans.
The parochial mission works are carried out by the Montfortans because they are still in accordance with the needs of the people. Even the parishes managed by the Montfortians, are scattered in several Diocese.
Parish of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Putussibau
Parish Establishment
The ministry of missionaries in Putussibau had taken place long before the Putussibau parish was formed in 1939. Previously, in 1938, Putussibau had begun to be served by the SMFA sisters, who handled the Dutch East Indies government hospital. According to historical records, the first 3 nurses who served the Dutch East Indies Government Hospital in Putussibau were Sr. Xaveria, Sr. Bernadeta, and Sr. Dolorata. The Capuchin missionaries living in Bika also served up to Putussibau. At that time Putussibau was not yet a parish of its own.
In 1939, the Montfortian missionaries (SMM) arrived from the Netherlands after a long journey. They came from the Netherlands, at the official request of the Apostolic Vicar of Kalimantan, namely Mgr. Van Valenberg. The offer to the Congregation for the Society of Mary Montfortian to take part in the missionary work in West Kalimantan had occurred before but could only be realized in 1939, after obtaining approval from the Sacred Congregation for the spread of the faith (propaganda fide), which was started in its letter dated September 23, 1938. Borneo is a Capuchin mission area.
The first Montfortian missionaries to come to Indonesia were Br. Bruno, Father Linsen, and Father L'ortye. They used the Sibajak Sea ship from Marseille to Singapore and from Singapore, they took the ship “Khoen Hoa” to Pontianak. On 7 April 1939, they arrived in Pontianak. April 17, 1939, they headed for Sintang, along the Kapuas River and arrived in Sintang on April 20, 1939. On April 26, 1939, they headed for Bika which is approximately 900km away. They arrived at Bika on April 29, 1939. Bika was the first place of the SMM Mission in Indonesia. They lived amid a traditional Dayak community with various life habits. The missionaries began to work among the traditional Dayak tribes. Some are diligent in studying the local language, some are joining the community and drinking “saguer” and some are studying other cultures. In addition, mission activities are also carried out; training the choir, teaching, treating the sick, baptizing, etc.
As previously mentioned, in the Capuchin era, Putussibau was served by the priests of Bika. They served the Dayak tribe and opened schools in Melapi. The graduates of these schools then continue their education at "Standaardschool", an agricultural school, or the Nyarumkop seminary. These children are expected to become the core staff of Putussibau Parish. Unfortunately, all the seminarians during the world war did not survive and stopped going to school except for one person, namely Alois Ding, who will become the first Indonesian Montfortian later.
On June 10, 1939 – about two months after the Montfortians arrived in Bika – Father Linssen moved to Putussibau to serve with three SMFA sisters in the Putussibau area. The main basis for Father Linsen's move to Putussibau was to accompany the SMFA sisters who a year earlier (1938) had started to treat the Putussibau General Hospital at the request of the Dutch East Indies Government. On June 10, 1939, Father Linsen went to Putussibau at once to treat his injured leg and since then he has been living in Putussibau. In Putussibau, there are no churches or Priest’s buildings. As an inn, at first, Father Linsen used one of the rooms in a government-owned inn, called “Pasanggrahan”. However, because the place was not suitable, he moved to the pavilion of the controller's house. P. Linsen lived there until he found and bought the ranger's house. The house is more accurately called a cottage because it is only as big as one room and a small kitchen. Father Linsen called the Fathers the most polite and pleasant to visit. In his diary he wrote; "
At that time Putussibau City was only inhabited by Malays, Chinese and some Europeans. At that time there were no Dayaks. Apart from his missionary duties for the Dayaks, Fr. Linssen had good relations with Malay officials because of the Dutch language courses and health courses he provided. This good relationship is supported by the sisters who work in the hospital.
As a Montfortian, Father Linssen lived alone, so Father Linssen regularly came home by bicycle to Bika to join his confreres. As a community, they share their experiences and strengthen each other by praying together. As a parish priest, Father Linssen tried to establish good relations with the Malay officials. He gives lessons in Dutch and health sciences.
First Dayak Priest Ordination
On June 10, 1942, news began to spread that a group of robbers from Japan was going home. Meanwhile, Controller Davijdt in Putussibau informed that starting at 3:00 p.m. 08.00 am, the phone contact with Bika has been cut off or is not picked up again. A resident named Jon Sin who had just returned from "cockfighting" also told me that he had seen ships sailing back and forth.
One important note during the Japanese occupation was the ordination of the first Dayak priest, Father Aloysius Ding SMM, son of Dayak Kayan Mendalam from Tanjung Kuda Village. His father was a farmer who acted as the village head. At that time, his entire family adhered to animist beliefs, but after Ding was ordained a priest, his father and mother were baptized. Father Alois Ding as he was called, on August 13, 1945, was given a tonsure (shaving of the navel of the head) and low ordination by Mgr. Jamagutsi Bishop of Nagasaki. Two days later, on August 15, 1945, he received the ordination of a sub-diaconate, then on August 30, 1945, Father Ding received the ordination of a diaconate. Furthermore, on September 16, 1945, Fr. Aloysius Ding was ordained a priest by Mgr. Leven SVD Vicar Apostolic Flores. In his diary, Fr. Ding wrote: “A month after the ordination, the monsignor gave us jurisdiction to start working in the parish. Thus the neomis (new priests) were sent to various places throughout the Flores area. I stayed in the seminary so that I could continue my studies and studies. In between learning activities, I was also busy with Pastoral work…sometimes I rode horses for hours through mountainous areas and when I arrived at my destination, although I was very tired and sleepy, I immediately listened to the confessions of hundreds of people”.
Indigenous Missionaries Get To Work
In 1995, two brothers arrived to accompany Father Kees Smith's parochial pastoral work in Putussibau, namely Father Konradus Hancu, SMM, and Fr. Yohanes Gausana, SMM. In the same year, on August 15, 1995, the brothers Konradus Hancu, SMM, and Mateus Juang, SMM were ordained as deacons by Mgr. Isak Doera with 4 deacons for the priesthood of the Sintang diocese. The dedication ceremony was held at the Putussibau Parish Church. The ordination ceremony was carried out very lively. The procession is carried out starting from the Putra dormitory or the old Karya Budi Junior High School Building (now MTB Brothers).
One year later, March 17, 1996 Fr. Konradus hancu and Fr. Mateus Juang in Putussibau by Mgr. Bumbun, OFM.Cap. The ordination ceremony is also lively with dances. The parade started from the house of Mr. Rugin toward the Parish Church. The liturgy was lively coordinated by Br. Yohanes Gausana
Not long after, on July 29, 1996, Father Kees Smith, SMM returned to the Netherlands. His health was worsened, especially by the fact that he had rheumatism and his eyesight was severely impaired. The condition of his right eye could no longer be helped, so together with the leadership of the Dutch SMM, the decision was made that Father Kees Smith should stay in the Netherlands, even though he wanted to return to Indonesia
After Fr. Smith left on leave to the Netherlands, the Putussibau Parish was temporarily served by Fr. Mateus Juang, SMM. At that time, Father Konradus Hancu SMM also left for Flores to attend the inaugural mass of Father Stef Seli, SMM who had just ordained. On the way back from Flores to return to Putussibau, Father Konradus Hancu, SMM received a call from Fr. Piet Derckx, SMM-the leader of SMM Indonesia at that time- that he should become a parish priest to replace Father Smith. Fr. Kon was quite surprised and was about to refuse because he was too young and unprepared. But Father Piet Derckx, SMM remained in his decision. Father Konradus Hancu, SMM eventually became the first indigenous missionary to become Putussibau parish.
Paroki Penampakan Tuhan, Siut
The Parish of Penampakan Tuhan (Epiphany) Siut is the result of the expansion of the Parish of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Putussibau, based on Decree No. 197/Par/79 from August 24, 1979, issued by Mgr. Isak Doera. In this decree, Mgr. Isak Doera divided parishes from 7 parishes to 34 parishes. Father Jean Subra. OMI became the parish priest of Siut. The parish area covers the area of South Putussibau District from Suai to Tanjung Lokang, which is located on the Upper Kapuas River.
It is not known exactly when the Catholic missions in the Siut and Melapi areas started. Records of the Bika and Putussibau parish tours before 1948 were not found in the archives. But based on the touring of Father Fulgentius, who was then the parish priest of Sintang, he went to Bika on October 23, 1932, for a school inspection. Because Bika's motorboat was damaged, Father Fulgentius, Father Oktavianus, and their entourage had to row to Melapi on October 25, 1932. Departed at 04:45 in the morning and arrived at Mr. Bok house at 8 pm. Because they could not continue, they had to walk until they arrived in Melapi at 9 pm.
The purpose of the Capuchin missionaries going to Melapi was to inspect the mission school in Bethany. Since there are already schools, there have certainly been rather regular visits to Melapi since the establishment of Bika Parish. From Melapi, these two Capuchin Fathers continued their journey to Padua in Mendalam, on October 27, 1932. Father Fulgentius, OFM Cap, and Father Flavianus, OFM Cap wanted to go to Melapi again on February 22, 1934, but canceled, because the teacher teaching in Melapi was sick and hospitalized in Bika, treated by a doctor.
The areas around Putussibau, including Siut and Melapi, have been regularly visited since the establishment of Putussibau Parish in 1947. Father Hub Reijnders, SMM made many visits to villages in the Putussibau parish area. Father Reijnders visited Melapi on March 22, 1949, and met a teacher, namely Pak Bau. He again visited Melapi on 27 June 1949. This priest returned to Melapi on 23-24 November 1953 and married Yohanes Dayut to Sarika. In the following years, visits of priests from Putussibau became more regular because it had become one of the important stations of the Breakingsibau parish
Parish of Saint Anthony of Padua, Mendalam
St. Parish Antonius Padua, Mendalam consists of 10 stations. Apart from the priests, there are many figures who have contributed to the growth of the Church in this region, including, Tevo Ure, Ding Lata, Aki Sano, Paran Li, Yosef Usup, Paulus Bato, Ijot, as well as several catechists, namely Yulius Pandi, Gregoriu Seman, and Agnes Ado.
There is no exact record of when the missionaries began to enter and proclaim the gospel to the Profound region and beyond. From the following data, it can be concluded that the mission work in Mendalam has been started since the establishment of the Bika parish.
From the touring report, it was stated that Father Fulgentius, OFM Cap, and Father Oktavianus, OFM Cap visited Padua in Mendalam on October 27, 1932, to inspect the school there. Father Fulgentius, together with Father Gijsbers, OFM Cap, and Brother Bertrandus, OFM Cap again conducted a school inspection in Padua on February 15-17, 1934. In other words, there was already a Catholic school in Mendalam that year, which should be assumed that the Catholic mission had entered the Profound in the previous years.
Father Harrie L'Ortye, SMM, Father Linssen, SMM, and Father Edmundus, OFM Cap who lives in Bika had the opportunity to visit Hulu Kapuas, enter the town of Putussibau and the Mendalam river, especially the villages of Tanjung Karang and Tanjung Kuda in 1939. Since the establishment of the parish Putussibau in 1947, pastoral visits to the Mendalam area have begun to be carried out more regularly
Father Hub Reijnders, SMM visited Mendalam several times in 1949, namely on January 15-18, and met with teacher Ingan Ding; on January 25; April 19; April 26; May 4 with Father L van den Boorn, May 27-28. On January 26 and March 3, 1949, he went to Teluk Engkala, there was school business with teacher Abu.
Since 1979, Mendalam became a new parish and the first priest in charge was Father Aloysius Ding, SMM until 1994. This is where he died and was buried in 1995.
To expedite the service of the people, the Parish of St. Antonius Padua, Mendalam divides his parish area into 10 stations. In general, all stations can be passed by land vehicles, except for some stations that do not yet have land roads, so they must use motorized canoes.
Saint Mary Queen of the Rosary Parish, Lebang
The Church of Santa Maria Rotu Rosario, in Lanjing, Lebang Region, especially Nanga Lebang, has been frequently visited since the establishment of the Sintang parish in 1932. The interior (land) of this parish has not been visited. From the tour report data, the upstream area of the Lebang river was visited between 1953-1959.
At that time the Catholic mission was still foreign in the Lebang river area. At first, the Catholic faith entered the Lebang area when it was introduced by a figure, namely Mr. Petrus Djudi (late). He comes from Bubur village (the current Pelimping area). Mr. Petrus Djudi migrated to Sintang and became one of the administrators of the PPD (Dayak Unity Party). While overseas and socializing with friends, he saw the Catholic faith and was interested in following it. In 1955 the PPD did not enter the general election and was dissolved because it was regional, so he returned to his village with a desire to develop the Catholic faith in his village in Bubur.
In 1957 in the village of Bubur, Mr. Petrus Djudi began to introduce Catholicism to his close families and began by studying catechumens together. In 1959, Father Vleuten had the opportunity to enter the Lebang river, from March 12-22 1959. He visited the village of Nanga Lebang, Nanga Pintas, and on March 17 met with Pak Djudi, rowed straight up the river, to Pelimping Lanjing and Bengkuang. It was during this turn that Father Vleuten and Pak Petrus Djudi were. Father Vleuten again visited along the Lebang river from 21-1 December 1960.
The preparation period for this catechumen turned out to be quite long. It wasn't until 1961 that Father Van der Vleuten, SMM invited these 9 catechumenates to Sintang to be baptized at the Sintang Cathedral Church (Baptism data was recorded at the Cathedral Parish). These nine early congregations were, Mr. Petrus Djudi, Mrs. Lusia Enta, Mr. Alypius Gesang, Mrs. Yosepha Sinda, Mr. Aloysius Sarap, Mrs. Itut, Mr. Hiasintus Sometimes, Mr. Penggang, and Mr. Yohanes Saka. Of these 9 people who are still around to this day only 3 are left, while the others have died.
From 1960 this Lebang area as one of the stations that joined the Sintang Cathedral Parish received services twice a year by Father Van Vleuten, SMM. He was the first priest to serve the Lebang station and also the first Montfortan priest to serve the people of the Lebang station.
In 1961, Father van der Vleuten was replaced by Father van Cuyk, SMM. This priest directly visited the Lebang River from January 6-16, 1961. During his tour from December 27, 1961, to January 15, 1962, there were a large number of candidates for catechumens, namely 26 people in Bengkuang, 40 people in Belepung, 124 people in Serangas, 7 people in Sei Pukat, 84 people in Sepan, 65 people in Lanjing, and 43 people in Pelimpin. Father van Cuyck served until 1967.
In 1968 Father Piet Derckx, SMM replaced Father van Cuyk SMM. He started by establishing an elementary school (formerly SR). This elementary school still exists today, which is what we know as the Lanjing Private Elementary School. With the opening of this elementary school in Lanjing, Catholics in the Lebang station experienced very significant development. The number of people is growing very rapidly because Catholicism is also taught in schools.
In 1974 Father Cornelis J. Smit, SMM replaced Father Piet Derckx, SMM as Father of Lebang. Father Smit is known as a priest who is very close to the people and is very diligent in traveling to villages. In 1979, Lebang Station changed its status to Lebang Parish. This parish took the name Lebang because the parish area is located in the Lebang watershed, from upstream to Nanga Lebang. As a new parish, since 1979, Father Kees Smit is the first Lebang Parish Priest. He served the Lebang parishioners from 1974 to 1995, for 21 years. The parishioners of Lebang, especially the elders, were very impressed with this priest because he was very mingling with the people and when he turned around, he felt at home in the village for a long time.
In 1995, Father I. Widodo, SMM replaced Father Kees Smit, SMM. He began to think about building a church building as the central parish church because in the center of the parish there was only a simple chapel with clapboard walls. This plan finally materialized when the central parish church was completed and inaugurated in 1998 in Lanjing. At the same time, he also gave a new name to the parish, namely Maria Ratu Rosari Parish, Lebang, following the name of the patron of the parish central church. Since its status as a station of the Sintang Cathedral parish until now, the Lebang parish area has been served by priests of the Company of Mary (SMM).
The economic situation of the parishioners of Maria Ratu Rosari Lebang Parish, in general, are farmers, especially rubber. Recently, oil palm plantations have also begun to enter, which absorbs a very large area of land, making it difficult for rubber farmers to expand their rubber plantations. The pattern of life began to change. Therefore, the Parish, through the Parish Pastoral Council, continues to encourage people to maintain the remaining land for planting rubber and cultivate swamps to become rice fields, and start with ponds for raising fish.
This parish has not yet produced priests and brothers, but up to 2011, Lebang parish has produced 2 (two) nuns who have taken vows and 1 nun who has just postulated, and 5 seminarians. The sisters from Lebang Parish are, Sr. Indrawati, ALMA, who served in Medan, and Sr. Marsinta, OSC Cap, a Capuchin rubiah who served in Sarikan.
St. Monfort Parish, Poco
Parish Establishment
St. Montfort Parish, Poco was inaugurated by the late Mgr. Eduardus Sangsun, SVD on December 31, 1999. The parish is located approximately 11 KM from Ruteng, the capital city of Manggarai Regency. St. Montfort Parish, Poco includes four stations and two territories. Services can use motorized vehicles (bicycles and cars). The people's livelihood is generally farmers.
Poco Prayer Garden
The Parish of Saint Montfort Poco is 16 years old, but this parish does not yet have a Mary's Cave to increase the devotional spirit of the people to Our Lady, according to the spirit of the Patron of the Parish – the good Father of Montfort – namely St. Montfort. So, there are several considerations for the early establishment of the Cave of Mary: first, we are reminded of the story of Saint Montfort who as a teenager loved prayer and devotion to Our Lady. After every mass, he always prays in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary which is next to the church. Second, we remember the story of Saint Montfort's writings “Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ has come into the world. It is through Mary that He must reign in the world” (BS No. 1). Third, there was encouragement from the confreres who warned that there was a uniqueness for the parish served by the Society of Maria Montfort. Fourth, the condition and situation of the banyan tree that has grown so big that its roots damage the parish church floor. So, this tree must be cut down and then turned into a prayer garden, which is on the right side of the church from the direction of the entrance to the Church of St. Montfort Poco. The plan to cut and build the prayer garden appeared on September 21, 2016, when I was in personal anxiety that couldn't take a nap, and was immediately executed on September 22, 2016 (the banyan tree and candlenut were cut). namely on the right side of the church from the entrance of the Church of St. Montfort Poco. The plan to cut and build the prayer garden appeared on September 21, 2016, when I was in personal anxiety that couldn't take a nap, and was immediately executed on September 22, 2016 (the banyan tree and candlenut were cut). namely on the right side of the church from the entrance of the Church of St. Montfort Poco. The plan to cut and build the prayer garden appeared on September 21, 2016, when I was in personal anxiety that couldn't take a nap, and was immediately executed on September 22, 2016 (the banyan tree and candlenut were cut).
Between the grotto and the Prayer Garden
Tensions occurred when we were about to start construction. Between choosing to build a Cave of Mary or build a Prayer Garden with a thatched roof. Building the Cave of Mary was difficult because of insufficient funds and no shelter when praying when it rained. Finally, the choice fell on the second one, namely to build a Prayer Garden with a thatched roof. Why the palm fiber roof? Because the parishioners of St. Montfort Poco have palm/palm trees. But the fact is, it's really hard for us to get palm fiber, after all, it's expensive. Given that the parish's financial capital is small, we chose to build a Prayer Garden with a tin roof.
What can be done to renew the spirit of God's people
As Parish Priest of Santo Montfort Poco, I always ask myself “what can the three of us (Father Jack, Deacon Martin, SMM, and Brother Salves, SMM) do to bring people to a new life? Is it just a routine service?” With full confidence, we will answer "No". A renewal of life is certainly more important than routine service. Renewal of life certainly has two important meanings, namely: 1) renewal in a better direction by God's will and 2) on the contrary, in a bad direction if only relying on one's own will. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to God who is present in others, both confreres and administrators and God's people. By opening up through mutual communication with young people, especially Jerry and Evan, we made a plan to make a prayer garden and Jery made a picture of a prayer garden with a length of 8 meters and a width of 4 meters. With the existing pictures and sizes, we ventured to convey to the craftsman who will be working on it, namely Mr. Ignatius, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Lius, and Yul. These four people started the construction of the Prayer Garden. We ordered sandstone, cement, and iron materials through the people in Tengkuk Tok 1, namely Mr. Maxi. The initial capital or fund of 7,000,000 seems to be insufficient, especially at the beginning of construction (1st month, in September). As a solution, in early October we blessed candles and distributed candles to 18 KBGs in areas 1-4 (Parish Center) and they had to pay. So, in early November the candle money during the Rosary was collected for 6 million. Besides that, the people personally donated money and materials, including sand. In addition, we also received assistance from several people in Jakarta. Armed with good cooperation from the craftsmen and also the people who work on the construction of the Prayer Garden and the work on the stairs, it can be completed after Christmas. There is joy when seeing the development progress, the people are involved in taking part in physically completing the construction of the Prayer Garden, inviting the people, AMQAH, the “Ca Nai: Sehati” group (a collection of parents whose children are in the Middle Seminary, Aspirants, Postulant, Novitiate, Higher Seminary), Sisters, Brothers, Brothers and Priests from Poco Parish to pray together so that the construction of the prayer garden can be completed properly. However, there is also sadness that so much money has been spent on craftsmen, materials, etc. Be grateful that on December 31, 2016, coinciding with the parish's 17th anniversary, we blessed the Garden of Prayer of Mary the Mediator of All Graces, which was preceded by the Manggarai traditional event “Kebeng” on December 30, 2016. We received a donation of a statue of the Virgin Mary of Divine Mercy, from a father in Jakarta, and the statue was made in Yogyakarta. On January 23, 2017, the statue arrived at Poco. On January 29, 2017, the Statue of Our Lady was blessed in the Church. The construction of this Prayer Garden cost 76,000,000. Now the prayer garden can be used to increase people's devotion to Mother Mary. The Poco KSM group uses it as a meeting place every 3rd week of the month. The construction of the Prayer Garden has been completed and is being used, but the people continue to provide input for further arrangements, namely providing a place for collections, a place to inaugurate candles, and also make a fence so that it makes people safer and calmer to pray in the Prayer Garden. The best way to make oneself a bearer of renewal is to believe in God the Most Holy Trinity and walk with Mary and build good cooperation with others, God's people, firm, honest and open.
Relying on God alone through Mary in the hands of neighborly love
The planning for the construction of the Prayer Garden, it can be said, is only reckless. Do not have the capital or large funds only a little. Only with God's gift through others, who give sincerely. While it is impossible to be done well, for Allah nothing is impossible. If you rely on God and surrender yourself into the loving hands of the Virgin Mary, you will surely and confidently produce happy results. So remember the words of Our Lady, “Whatever is said to you, do it” (John 2:6). This was the first sign at Cana, which led the disciples to believe. Believe that God's will be done in every work of ministry if you always listen to God: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps 119:105).
At the end...
“Rejoice in the Lord, rejoice. Because He is the One who makes all our human plans can be completed properly and everything is beautiful in its time. Always be grateful in every step of life, work, and service and accept every blessing and opportunity that God has given, and always pray for those who have made any contribution to our lives.” That is an expression of prayer, gratitude, and praise that the parishioners of St. Montfort thank God for His blessings and love for us in the Year of Divine Mercy and the Year of the Liturgy for us People of God Ruteng Diocese. Now we are starting to enter 2017 as the Year of Preaching. People of God Parish of St. Montfort Poco began to rise and renew life by being involved in taking part in the Eucharist, worship, prayer, and joint activities at the KBG, Stasi, Territory, Parish, and Diocese. The blessing of God and the prayer of Mary the Mediator of all Graces be with us the parishioners of St. Montfort Poco.
St. Antonius Parish, Mbeling
On, Sunday 24 August 2014, a new chapter of history took place at St. Church. Antonius Padua, Mbeling, Ruteng Diocese, Borong District – Kab. East Manggarai. The parish has eight stations with a number of devotees: 7691 people. This parish has been running without a head priest since 2009 but is served by Father Mus, Pr, and Father Stef, SVD. The parishioners of Antonius Padua Mbeling opened themselves up to the changes that occurred when the parish was handed over to the missionaries of the Union of Maria Montfortian.
On August 24, 2014, P. John, SMM was accepted as a parish priest and assisted by Fr. Frans Borgias, SMM. Fr. Mus, Pr handed over the task of this relay to P. John Suri, SMM in a parish celebration of the Eucharist with the parishioners. P. John Suri, SMM in his speech during the handover ceremony said “If you ask me, where is your wealth? So I will answer by quoting the words of Saint Deacon Laurensius, that this is the wealth I have while pointing at the people. This Eucharistic celebration was led by Fr. Vikep Borong, Fr. Simon Nama, Pr. As a representative of the local Church, Fr. Simon expressed his gratitude to Fr. Stef, SVD, and Fr. Mus, Pr who have guided the pastoral work in Mbeling parish even without a parish priest. Father Simon also congratulated the Maria Montfortian Society, especially Fr. John, SMM who was sent to become the parish priest of Mbeling. Meanwhile, Fr. Stef Seli, SMM who represented the leadership of the Maria Montfortian Union at that time, conveyed a message of gratitude from the Provincial Father of the Maria Montfortan Union to the people in the Mbeling parish who were willing to accept the presence of the Maria Montfortian Union, especially P. John, SMM as parish priest and apologies for the absence of the Provincial Father at the ceremony of surrendering Mbeling Parish to be the place for the mission of the Society of Mary Montfortian. Fr. Simon, Pr, who was the main celebrant for the Eucharistic celebration that morning, was accompanied by several other priests from the Montfortian Mary Society, such as Fr. Fidelis, SMM, Fr. Marshall Lobi, SMM, Fr. Marshall Ngebu, SMM, Fr. Jack, SMM.
St. Petrus Kanisius Parish, Kandui
Simultaneously with the inauguration of the Parish of St. Montfort PIR Butong, Mgr. A. Sutrisnaatmaka, MSF handed over the Parish of St. Petrus Kanisius, Kandui, to SMM. Thus, the Parish of St. Petrus Kanisius has been the pastoral area of SMM since September 2013. Previously, the parishioners of St. Petrus Kanisius were served by the Muara Teweh Parish pastoral team. Father Ignasius Widodo, as a parish priest, either Parish of St. Montfort, PIR Butong, and Parish of St. Petrus Kanisius, Kandui. Petrus Kanisius ParishSo, the confreres of SMM formed one community but served two parishes. The pastoral teams for these two parishes are Fr. Ignasius Widodo, SMM (Pastor of St. Montfrot PIR Butong and St. Petrus Kanisius Parish), Father Kosmas Ambo Patan, Father Ariston, Father Frumens, Brother Niko. However, in the course of time, Father Kosmas Ambo Patan was appointed pastor of PIR Butong Parish since mid-2015. He was assisted by Father Frumens (2015-2016). In early August 2016 Father Ariston moved from Kandui to Bandung. Currently, the SMM confreres working at Kandui Parish are Father Ignatius Widodo, SMM (Parish Pastor), Father Stef Seli, SMM (September 2016-….), and Brother Niko Narimo, SMM.
Catechesis Through Pictures
Parish of St. Petrus Kanisius, Kandui built the front wall of the parish. However, the construction of this wall is not only a fence for the parish but also catechesis material. That is, the building is walled full of pictures inspired by the Bible. So, when people see one of the pictures, they can "meet" in memory of the character or story behind the painting. According to Father Ignatius Widodo, SMM, this idea arose from the realization that catechesis today is not only done through "spoken words" such as meetings, retreats, seminars, but also through pictures or paintings. The time needed to build this illustrated wall fence is two months (May-June 2017). See some of the following pictures.
St. Montfort Parish, PIR Butong
St. Montfort Parish, PIR Butong was inaugurated by Mgr. A. Sutrisnaatmaka, MSF (Bishop of Plangka Raya Diocese) on September 1, 2013. The name of St. Montfort, which is the name of the patron of the parish, is dedicated to marking the definitive presence of SMM's work in the Diocese of Palangka Raya. PIR Butong Since this inauguration, a pastoral community of SMM has been formed in PIR Butong with the parish priest, Father Yusup Gunarto, and assisted by P. Kosmas Ambo Patan, as fellow pastors, plus Brothers Niko Narimo and Brother. Ryan, SMM (Pastoral Orientation). Father Yusup Gunarto was no longer a parish priest here because he moved to Purwokerto in early 2014. In his place, P. Ignatius Widodo SMM was appointed Provincial to be the parish priest of St. Montfort PIR Butong. Currently, Father Ignasius Widodo, SMM is accompanied by Father Kosmas, SMM (August 2013. Before the inauguration of this parish, Father Kosmas had served in Muara Teweh Parish as a fellow pastor); Father Ariston, SMM (started 2013), Father Frumens (started August 2014-August 2016), Brother Niko (since 2013). The TOP Brothers (2015) are: Theodorus Meko Koten, SMM and the Top Brothers in 2016 are Fr. Oris Goti, SMM (resigned from SMM 2017). In 2015, Father Kosmas was appointed pastor of PIR Butong Parish, and Yohanes Baptista Waja, SMM became a fellow priest in July 2016.
St. Antonius Padova Parish, Pasuruan
Before the Parish Was Formed
The entry of Catholicism into the archipelago was officially marked by the arrival of two Jesuit priests, namely Father Jacobus Nelissen and father Libertus Prinssen on April 4, 1808, in Batavia.
Initially, the entire Dutch East Indies was a “mission area” with the status of the Apostolic Prefecture of Betawi. Father Jakobus Nilissen as First Apostolic Prefect. The status of the prefecture was upgraded to Vicariate Apostolic Betawi with Father Yakobus Groff as the First Apostolic Vicar (September 20, 1842) which covered almost the entire archipelago (Dutch East Indies)
Around 1880 there was a suggestion that the Apostolic Vicariate of Betawi (the single one) be divided and the parts entrusted to the Religious Orders. However, it was not until 1902-1919 that many territories were separated from the Apostolic Vicariate of Betawi and appointed as autonomous prefectures. The Apostolic Vicariate of Betawi only covers the island of Java. The division then continued with the establishment of ecclesiastical provinces on the island of Java.
Since February 19, 1923, the mission area entrusted to the Carmel Order has been the eastern part of East Java, which includes the Residency of Malang, Residency of Besuki, and Madura Island, with the small islands surrounding it is the forerunner to the formation of the diocese of Malang, which began with its inauguration.
On August 3, 1923, a "handover" ceremony was held between the Jesuit priests and the Carmel Priests. On May 10, 1927, this mission area was upgraded to the Apostolic Prefecture of Malang by Pope Pius XI and Father Clemens van der Pas, O. Carm was appointed the first Apostolic Prefect of Malang. His inauguration was carried out on November 20, 1927, by Mgr. APF van Velzen, SJ (Apostolic Vicar of Betawi).
Church Building Construction
Prior to becoming a parish, Pasuruan was the station of the Permanent Church which has been regularly visited since 1825. This church building is older than the Church of the Sacred Heart of Kayutangan Malang (1906) and the Lawang Church (1916).
The church building was built with the donation of a Dutch philanthropist named Alexander Manuel Anthonijs. Anthonijs is a successful businessman who is also an employee of Proefstation Oost Java (POJ) which is now known as the Indonesian Sugar Plantation Research Center (P3GI). Because Saint Anthony of Padova is the patron of the Anthonijs family, the catholic church in Pasuruan is also placed under the protection of Saint Anthony of Padova. On July 28, 1895, this church building was blessed by Mgr. WJ Staal, Bishop of Batavia (now Jakarta) as stated on the marble inscription near the main entrance of the old church as follows:
Which translates to: This church, which was built thanks to the generosity of Mr. Alexander Manuel Anthonys, was blessed with the honorary bishop (titulair bishop) of Mauricastro WJ Staal on 28 July 1895.
Formation and Development of the Parish
Since the establishment of the church building, for about 28 years the priest has visited the congregation by riding horses from Surabaya to Pasuruan. In 1923, when a Carmelite priest was assigned to work in the residency areas of Malang, Besuki, and Pamekasan. In 1924, the Probolinggo station was founded. Since then, the Pasuruan Church has been visited by a priest from Probolinggo once a month.
In 1931, the rectory was built at a cost of 1200 guilders. On January 31, 1932, Pasuruan was given a permanent priest, namely Father Gregory Jongmans, O Carm. Then the status of Pasuruan was increased from a station to a parish. After becoming a parish, pastoral services such as baptism, chrism, first communion, death, marriage, etc. may be recorded locally in the parish itself, no longer have to be recorded at the Kayutangan Church of Malang, which was previously the parent church of the Pasuruan station.
It is an interesting thing and a beauty in itself if the date of its founding as a parish is combined with the date of the commemoration of its patron saint. So June 13 was set as Pasuruan Parish Day and 13 June 1932 was the first Pasuruan Parish Day (see sundries).
In 1932, on February 13, 1932, to be exact, it was recorded in the baptismal book, that the first baptism was named Santy Lily, the son of Lodewijk Jacob B. At that time, most of Pasuruan's Catholics were Europeans. However, on March 31, 1934, Betty Djie Kiem Hwa (now Oei Siem Kwie) was recorded as the first Pasuruan to be baptized. Since then the people of Pasuruan have grown.
Starting from 1932 until now there are 23 priests who have served in the Parish of Santo Antonius Pasuruan, both as head priests and as assistant priests. The names and tenure of the pastors of the people in Pasuruan are presented in a separate table
Along with the development of the people, the church building also developed. Beginning in 1975, a new church building was built during the time of Father Harmelijnk. The laying of the first stone was carried out by the Bishop Mgr. FX Hadisoemarto on July 28, 1975, a day after the tenth anniversary of St. Anthony's Church which was then commemorated on July 27, 1975. The new church was blessed by the Bishop on April 4, 1976.
At the time of Father Hudiono, in 1993 the church chairs made of iron and sponge were replaced with wooden chairs with a place to kneel. The roof of the old church was replaced by a new one. The rectory building was also renovated. At the back of the rectory, a two-story building was built which was used as an office and meeting room. In 1995, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the church building, a strong gate was built towards the City Hall road. During Father Hudiono's time, the people's love for reading the holy book was encouraged.
The Development of the Today's Parish
During the period of 1999-present, during Father Irwanto's pastoral period, many physical developments were carried out, including the replacement of the new church floor, improvements to the decoration and design of the altar and the construction of the Saint Peter's hall, which is attached to the church rectory. Not only the church in Pasuruan, but the Chapel in Bangil Station was also renovated and equipped with various facilities such as painting the way of the cross, hall, office space, organ, and so on.
Not only in the form of physical development, during this period there was a significant development of church activities. Along with the development of democracy in Indonesia, the election of parish councils and neighborhood councils is also carried out democratically.
Pasuruan parish covers the Pasuruan City area and part of the Pasuruan Regency area. It is now ecclesiastically divided into 13 wards and 2 stations. At first, the names of the neighborhoods did not appear regular. Along with the call for devotion to the protector, both personally and in groups such as the environment. In 2001, it was agreed to change the name of the ward and refer to Jesus' early disciples. Name changes are presented in the table. Along with this name change, on each patron feast date, the wards held devotions and celebrations.
According to the BPGDA notarial deed, the official name of the Pasuruan Parish is 'St. Anthony". To clarify, since many saints were named “Antonius”, the name “St. Anthony Padua". At the time of Father Irwanto, the name was adapted from the original name of the city in Italy to be St. Anthony Padova. (For more details see sundries).
St. Montfort Parish, Monterado
New history was created in the pilgrimage of the Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Pontianak and also the Union of Maria Montfortian of the Province of Indonesia. On this day, a new parish was formed in the western part of Borneo, precisely in the District of Monterado, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Present at this celebration is the Regent of Bengkayang, the Chairman of the Bengkayang DPRD, (House of Representatives) the Provincial of SMM Indonesia, the Archbishop of Pontianak, and hundreds of parishioners of St. Montfort Parish, Monterado.
A Brief History
St. Montfort Parish, Monterado was formerly known as St. Mikael Monterado, whose parent is the parish of St. Yosef, Samalantan. Before the arrival of the Montfortians, the pastoral care at this station was entirely handled by the priests who work in the of St. Yosef parish, Samalantan. Montfortian entered and worked in the area of the Pontianak Archdiocese at the request of Mgr. Agustinus Agus, Archbishop of Pontianak. The Society responded and answered the request which was marked by the sending of Father Stefanus Seli, SMM to St. Parish. Yosef Samalantan on January 18, 2020. He was assigned as a fellow father and lives in Samalantan Pastoral with RD. Indra Lubis, Pr, and RD. Surip, Pr.
To strengthen and facilitate pastoral work, SMM Indonesia sent Brother David Rabim, SMM in mid-August 2020 to undergo the Year of Pastoral Orientation at St. Yosef Parish, Samalantan. Father Stefanus Seli, SMM, and Brother David Rabim, SMM moved from Samalantan rectory to Monterado rectory on January 01, 2021. That date marked the beginning of the separation of missionary work and pastoral care between Samalantan and Monterado. The Montfortians who are pioneers of missionary work in Monterado are fully responsible for the sustainability of all pastoral services in all areas that are administratively in the territory of the District of Monterado. In addition, they were tasked with preparing for the transition of the St. Mikael Monterado became a Quasi parish and became a Parish.
February 7, 2021, St. Mikael Monterado changed his status to Quasi Parish. The Archbishop of Pontianak, Mgr. Agustinus Agus was present at the celebration and the name of his patron was changed from St. Michael became St. Montfort. Thus, the name of the new mission site is the Quasi Parish of St. Montfort Monterado. During the celebration, Mgr. Agus officially appointed Father Stefanus Seli, SMM as the quasi head priest of St. Parish. Montfort Monterado. During the celebration, the Archbishop of Pontianak asked for a suitable date for the celebration of the inauguration of a quasi-parish. At that time, Father Stef, SMM chose July 20, 2021, as the right time for the continuation of the inauguration celebration. The choice of date was based on historical events in the Society of Mary Montfortian because on that date, the Founding Father, July 20, 1947, by Pope Pius XII. The Monterado pastoral team received a new injection after the provincial leadership sent Deacon Hironimus Edison, SMM as a member of the Monterado pastoral team. Deacon Hiro arrives in Monterado on June 15, 2021.
Inauguration Celebration
The sky of Monterado today looks full of clouds. The bright morning sun from the eastern horizon stings directly into the skin of the body and makes everyone drenched in sweat. People from the stations in the parish of Monterado as well as guests began to arrive one by one at the Church. All gathered inside the church building and outside the churchyard while waiting for the presence of the Bengkayang Regent, the delegation from the Bengkayang’s DPRD (House of Representatives) and West Kalimantan Province, the Archbishop of Pontianak, the Provincial Father of SMM, and the head priest of the Monterado Parish who was getting ready at the Village Office. They talked about one thing or another while waiting for the start of the Eucharistic celebration with the title Thanksgiving Inauguration of the parish which will start at 09.00 WIB.
The Eucharistic Celebration led by Mgr. Agustinus Agus went smoothly and solemnly. Dozens of priests from the diocese and neighboring parishes as well as montfortians from Sintang were also present to enliven the celebration of the Eucharist which took place lively and magnificently. The choir also sang songs very lively and melodiously accompanied by lively music and dances. The celebration of the Eucharist lasts until 12.00. This celebration was also marked by the inauguration of the officers of the St. Parish Pastoral Council. Montfort Monterado for the period 2021-2024. A series of remarks took place during the Eucharistic Celebration. The chairman of the inauguration committee, the Provincial Father of SMM Indonesia, the Bishop, and the Bengkayang Regent were representatives who gave remarks based on their respective positions. The four of them emphasize the same thing, namely that with the inauguration of Monterado as a new parish, the faith, social, and moral life of the people will truly be formed and will be increasingly directed towards the identity of the baptism that has been received. Fr. Provincial specifically linked today's events to the moment of the canonization of St. Montfort, patron of the parish of Monterado for the holiness of St. Montfort is an example for all parishioners to follow. St. Parish Montfort Monterado has 18 stations and all of them are in the administrative area of the district of Monterado. That is, one parish serves one sub-district area. Fr. Provincial specifically linked today's events to the moment of the canonization of St. Montfort, patron of the parish of Monterado for the holiness of St. Montfort is an example for all parishioners to follow. St. Parish Montfort Monterado has 18 stations and all of them are in the administrative area of the district of Monterado. That is, one parish serves one sub-district area. Fr. Provincial specifically linked today's events to the moment of the canonization of St. Montfort, patron of the parish of Monterado for the holiness of St. Montfort is an example for all parishioners to follow. St. Parish Montfort Monterado has 18 stations and all of them are in the administrative area of the district of Monterado. That is, one parish serves one sub-district area.
The series of inauguration thanksgiving events were followed by a joint reception which took place in the church and rectory compound. The casual chat lasted until 16.00 WIB. Shaking fun together, singing, and casual talk became a series of events at the reception. All activities went smoothly because they were supported by the friendly atmosphere of the Monterado sky. Finally, proficiaat to all the people in Monterado, and congratulations to the Montfortians who are part of the pastoral team in this new parish.