AMQAH Membership
Perserikatan Maria Ratu Segala Hati (PMRSH) terbuka bagi semua orang Katolik (awam, imam, kaum religius) yang ingin mengikuti jalan rohani dan rasuli yang diusulkan oleh St. Montfort (Statuta art. 8).
Religious, who wish to join, need to pay attention to the provisions of Canon Law: "Members of religious institutes may register themselves in associations according to the norms of the institute's law, with the approval of their respective Superiors" (canonical law 307, 3).
After participating in the necessary assistance, the prospective members apply to the appointed leader. In the application, they expressed their motivation to become a member of the Association (AMQAH).
Next, they followed the preparation of “Self-Dedication” for 33 days. After that, they performed a lively “Dedication” in front of the Guild Leader or his deputy.
Each prospective member dedicates himself to Jesus Christ, Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom, through the hands of Mary, according to the formula of St. Montfort. At that time the candidates were officially accepted as members and their names were recorded in the Master Register of members of the Association Union of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH) in the House of the General Superior of SMM in Rome.
Jika Anda berminat, Anda bisa menghubungi Pusat-pusat Regio PMRSH Indonesia:
Fr. Lukas Driman, SMM
Rumah Provinsialat SMM Indonesia
Gunung Kencana Street 8-10, Bandung 40142
Phone: 022-2035443
P. Hyronimus Ario Dominggus, SMM
Noviciate of Montfortian
Langgo, Kel. Carep, Kec. Langke Rembong, Ruteng – Flores, NTT 86511
P. Marchadius Golo, SMM
Wisma La Sagesse – Aspirat SMM
Jl. Trans Labuan Bajo – Ruteng, Nggorang, Labuan Bajo, Flores, NTT
Fr. Marselinus Lobi, SMM
Seminari Montfort ‘Pondok Kebijaksanaan’
Joyo Agung Street 100, Joyogrand, Malang 65144
Phone: 0341-558034/558035
HP: –
P. Rafael Servianus Lepen, SMM
Deo Soli Mission House
Jl. Lintas Timur KM 5, Putussibau 78711, Kalimantan Barat
HP: –
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