Company of Mary
The Company of Mary was founded by Saint Montfort. Montfort saw the need for a group of preaching priests who had a genuine apostolic spirit. This is reflected in his letter to Fr. Leschassier: “… In view of the needs of the Church, I cannot help but ask and groan a small and poor group of good priests who carry out this task under the banner and protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” (L 5).
From this letter, there are 3 important things that become important elements for the Company of Mary, namely the Group/union, apostolic/missionary group, and Marian. These elements are outlined and explained in the book Montfortian Today.
Montfort wants us to be "missionaries", to continue the mission of Christ entrusted by Him to His Church: "They must be excellent missionaries in Your Church..." (DM 3). They are called by God to do mission work… (RIM 2).
Our mission in the Church is to reveal the mystery of salvation to those who do not know it, to make it rediscovered and deepened by those who have heard the Good News, through a re-awareness of the meaning of their Baptist promises.
The missionaries of the Society of Mary proclaim Jesus Christ, the Wisdom made flesh, both by the testimony of their lives and by their words, in a world that demands much, which only begins to believe when words are confirmed by example: "This apostolic missionary first did what himself what he taught others: cœpit Jesus facere et docere” (Acts 1:1; RIM 62).
Company (Conggregation)
The word Company describes that the members of The Company of Mary live community life; live together. Community life is inseparable from proclamation and apostolate.
To carry out missionary work, Montfort wanted a community, that is to say: a group, a congregation, an association, an elect team, a herd, a company, a battalion… (cf. DM 18) and not scattered or juxtaposed individuals.
A united community: "O Lord, gather us, unite us..." (ibid.)
A community that lives in love, which is "the life, bond and guardian of the Community" (RIM 45), and where all support and feel responsible for one another.
An orderly community: "a combat-ready and well-organized army..." (DM 29).
A capable community, whose value is determined more by quality than by number: it is small, poor, unremarkable and weak before the greatness of the world, but it is rich in God and separated from the masses for the welfare of the Church (cf. AAS 2;7).
A poor community, where all things are shared by beneficiary missionaries… without mortal possessions… free from every earthly possession that could hinder or anchor them… (cf. RIM 5 6)
… and completely surrendered to the Providence of the Father, whose duty it was to provide them with clothing and food and to care for them (cf. AAS 4).
A free community according to God's freedom, where the members are "free from all things… without relatives… without problems and burdens…” (DM 7).