gambar Serikat Maria Montfortan adalah religius katolik

Company of Mary (SMM)

Per Mariam ad Jesum

To Jesus Through Maria

“tidak ada satu pun devosi yang lebih membaktikan seseorang kepada Tuhan dan membuatnya serupa dengan-Nya daripada devosi kepada Bunda-Nya yang suci. Jadi semakin orang dibaktikan kepada Maria, semakin pula dia dibaktikan kepada Yesus Kristus (BS, No. 120)

Company of Mary

Founder's Writing



SMM Indonesia Mission Workplace

Icon of the Montfortians

gambar anggota serikat maria montfortan yang pertama

  1. The eyes are directed towards the Divine Wisdom that became human and came to us.
  2. An attentive ear to Maria's answer.
  3. The heart offered to Jesus and entrusted to Mary
  4. The mouth is filled with the Word of the Gospel.
  5. Hands raised in prayer.
  6. Feet standing under the cross.
  7. Eyes fixed on the renewal of the Church and the world.
  8. Liberos, people whose steps are guided by the Holy Spirit.
  9. Walk with other people (lay people) to proclaim the Good News of Christ to the poor.
  10. Becoming an icon of hope.

Gambar Paus Yohanes Paulus II meghayati spiritualitas Serikat Maria Montfortan
To Jesus Through Mary
Mary is the shortest and safest way to Jesus.
Join us, the Montfortan Society of Mary, become children of Mary...!
Gambar santo montfort pendiri Serikat Maria Montfortan

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