Company of Mary (SMM)
Per Mariam ad Jesum
To Jesus Through Maria
“tidak ada satu pun devosi yang lebih membaktikan seseorang kepada Tuhan dan membuatnya serupa dengan-Nya daripada devosi kepada Bunda-Nya yang suci. Jadi semakin orang dibaktikan kepada Maria, semakin pula dia dibaktikan kepada Yesus Kristus (BS, No. 120)
Founder's Writing
SMM Indonesia Mission Workplace
Icon of the Montfortians
- The eyes are directed towards the Divine Wisdom that became human and came to us.
- An attentive ear to Maria's answer.
- The heart offered to Jesus and entrusted to Mary
- The mouth is filled with the Word of the Gospel.
- Hands raised in prayer.
- Feet standing under the cross.
- Eyes fixed on the renewal of the Church and the world.
- Liberos, people whose steps are guided by the Holy Spirit.
- Walk with other people (lay people) to proclaim the Good News of Christ to the poor.
- Becoming an icon of hope.