Ordination Of The Montfortian Priests

Ruteng, November 19, 2024 – Hello confreres, we will share our story about the ordination of SMM Priests in 2024. The new priest candidates who were ordained were Deacon Aran, Deacon Ferdi, Deacon Candra, Deacon Fandi, Deacon Alvian, and Deacon Embit. The motto they chose was “ABIDE WITH US, LORD” (Luke 24:29). This time the ordination of SMM priests was held at the Parish Church of St. Michael Kumba. Of course we should thank the parish priest of St. Michael Kumba and the associate priests, members of the DPP (pastoral council) and DKP (parish finance council) of the Kumba parish, the ordination committee, and everyone involved in making this ordination celebration a success. This celebration cannot be separated from the cooperation of all parties. And we experienced all kinds of busyness, especially during the preparation period. A few days before the arrival of the deacons, the brothers in the Novitiate community prepared everything needed, such as preparing the bedrooms of the deacons and their families, as well as other guests. On November 16-18, 2024, the Novitiate community held a community service at the Kumba parish. This activity included; cleaning the environment around the church and hall, arranging chairs and arranging the reception room, installing pennants, and others. All of these activities were carried out to support our six confreres. The deacons arrived at the Novitiate community on Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 06.30 WITA. Meanwhile, the parents and families of the deacons arrived the following day, Sunday, November 17, 2024.

The ordination took place on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. We should all be grateful to God for the ordination celebration. Many people attended, as well as priests and monks. Their presence added to the joy of the six deacons. The celebration began at the Ruteng diocese palace at 08.15. The new priest candidates, Bishop, Vicar General and Secretary General were paraded from the diocesan palace to St. Michael Kumba Parish. This procession was accompanied by a patrol group and was greeted with a traditional reception in the courtyard of the St. Michael Kumba Parish Church. At 08.30, it was continued with the blessing of the liturgical equipment (chasubles and chalices) of the deacons. After the blessing ceremony, it was followed by the Eucharistic Celebration. 

This great celebration was led by Bishop Siprianus Hormat, Pr. This event was a joyous occasion for the new priests, their extended families, those who supported them, especially the Montfortian. Their self-giving was a blessing for the Montfortian. In his homily, the bishop said that the presence of these new priests was a new legacy in the Montfortan Society of Mary, who would be servants of God wherever they were sent. The bishop began his homily with the statement “All true children of God and the elect have God as their Father and Mary as their mother, and whoever does not have Mary as their mother does not have God as their Father (BS 30).” This is important so that in daily life what is fundamental should not be forgotten, one of which is an intimate relationship with God and also Mother Mary. The bishop also said that the priesthood is beautiful. In accordance with the motto they chose, the bishop said that their priestly journey looks like the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. This means that in the priestly journey there is a tragic drama that must be faced, there are challenges that must be faced together with Christ. Until finally, they enter into togetherness with God through the Eucharist which makes their hearts burn. At that moment they see that behind the challenges that hit and roar there is hope.

The Eucharistic celebration took place solemnly, accompanied by a beautiful choir, even though it rained a few moments before the Eucharistic celebration ended. Before ending the Eucharistic celebration, the reading and signing of the jurisdiction was carried out, and continued with a speech from Fr. Anton as the provincial of the SMM province of Indonesia. Fr. Anton also read the letter of placement of the new priests. The Bishop was also given the opportunity to give a speech. After the Eucharistic celebration, a joint reception was held in the St. Mikael Kumba Parish Hall. The reception was opened with a dance from Senior High School Langke Rembong. Then, it was continued with a speech from the chairman of the ordination celebration committee, representatives of the new priests, interspersed with several events, such as the Candle Dance from Sister DW Poco. The Bishop and the new priests, as well as Montfort Youth were given the opportunity to sing a song. During the reception, gifts were also given to the new priests. The series of events ended at 15.30. Although our energy was drained, our hearts remained steadfast, strong and happy to support our brothers and sisters, the new priests. Congratulations on the blessing of our sixth brother's ordination as a priest, good luck with your duties!!!

 Bro. Heri (novice)
