MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, france, February 2, 2023 – A plaque displayed on the facade of the Maison Natale reads “On January 31, 1673 here was born Louis Grignion who became Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort”. Where do we know of his birth and name? It is thanks to the Act of Holy Baptism which is kept at the Town Hall of Montfort-sur-Meu. The following is the text of the precious document which also contains the signatories and therefore the witnesses of the Baptism administered on February 1, 1673 in the church of Saint John the Baptist by the priest and family friend Pierre Hindré:
"On the thirty-first of January one thousand six hundred and seventy-three was born Louis Grignion son of Noble Homme Jean-Baptiste Grignion and of damsel Jeanne Robert, his wife, lord and lady of the Bachelleraye our parishioners, was held on the Saint Fonts of Baptism by Mr. Louis Hubert, sieur du Beauregard and damsel Marie Lemoyne, lady of Tressouët. The sacrament of Baptism was administered in the church of St Jean by me, the undersigned Pierre Hindré, priest Rector and Dean of Montfort, this first February, year below”.
The signatures follow: Louis HUBERT, Marie LEMOYNE, Françoise TIMEL, Jeanne DUPRĖ, Hellenne CORNILLER, Félix GRIGNION, Jean-Baptiste GRIGNION, Alain RÉGNIER, priest and Pierre HINDRÉ, parish priest”.
The list of signatories (cf. M. SIBOLD, Le Sang des Grignion).
Louis HUBERT is the godfather of Saint Louis-Marie. Sir of Beauregard, doctor descended from a German grandfather.
Marie LEMOYNE is the godmother (17 years old). Closely related to Grignion Family, by Jacquemine Saulnier, paternal grandmother of Saint Louis-Marie.
Françoise TIMEL is the maternal grandmother of Saint Louis-Marie. Mother of Jeanne Robert and Allain Robert, priest, she lived in Rennes.
Jeanne DUPRĖ is the mother of Marie Lemoyne. She had been godmother to Jean-Baptiste Grignion.
Hellenne CORNILLER wife of Louis Hubert.
Félix GRIGNION brother of Jean-Baptiste Grignion and therefore uncle of Saint Louis-Marie.
Jean-Baptiste GRIGNION, father of Saint Louis-Marie.
Alain RÉGNIER, priest, cousin of Jean-Baptiste Grignion.
Pierre HINDRÉ, parish priest, rector-dean of Montfort and family friend.