Who is St. Montfort?
Perhaps many people (Christians) in Indonesia are not very familiar with the name of this French saint: Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort or often called Saint Montfort (hereinafter referred to as Montfort). In the history of theology, it must be admitted that of the many saints and mystics in the Catholic Church, Montfort's reputation may be said to be less well known when compared to other saints such as St. Ignatius of Loyola († 1556), Sta. Teresa of Avila († 1582) or St. John of the Cross († 1591). However, after being canonized by Pope Pius Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) explicitly mentioned Montfort's name in his Encyclical Redemptoris Mater [RM] no. 48 as “Witness and Teacher of Marian Spirituality”. This shows how the presence of French saints plus "Apostolic Missionaries and Classical Theologians" in the Catholic Church has an important role in the spiritual life journey (read: Marian life) of the faithful. We know that Montfort is famous throughout the world as the "Messenger of the mother of God", "Teacher of Marian Spirituality", but his contribution to the Catholic Church is not only limited to the field of Mariology, but also includes other fields of theology: Christology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, etc.
Montfort's Digest of “Mariology.”
As someone who has contributed to the development of Mariology in the Catholic Church (cf. the influence of his teachings in Lumen Gentium chapter VIII), it coincides with the Feast of Saint Montfort which the Church commemorates today, April 28, when the Montfort Missionaries (SMM) celebrates 85 years presence in Indonesia, I would like to present some of the main points of Montfort's Mariological thought.
Montfort is a person who not only likes missions, carrying out pastoral ministry among the people, but also likes writing. Of his many writings, the book True Devotion to Mary (Traité de la vraie dévotion a la Sainte Vierge/True Devotion) is a very genial and famous written work. Many writers and theological experts say that Montfort's famous mariological work has made his name known and revealed the deepest side of a special and intimate devotion to Mary. Until now, Marian Montfort's doctrine is widespread among religious and lay people throughout the world. This saint's mariological work has even attracted the deep interest and love of a Marian Pope in modern times, John. Paul II. The same Marian teachings – apart from having a big influence on the founder of Legio Mariae, Frank Duff († 1980) – helped “weave and change the life of the Polish saint” and in fact the Holy Father appointed Montfort as a saint who gave special teachings about Mary (cf. SM 48).
According to one theological expert as quoted by Alberto Valentini (an Italian Montfortian exegete), Montfort was someone who had gone further in understanding the meaning of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary: "Among the saints of his time" perhaps in all ages, Grignion de Montfort was one who perhaps went further in terms of the theological exploration of devotion to Mary in the service of the Christian life… the work True Devotion to Mary remains a classic of Marian devotion” (R. de Ville, L'ècole française de spiritualié, Paris 1987, 154 ). Indeed, Montfort's popularity, in its most diverse scope, rests on his Marian doctrine and the widespread distribution of his True Devotion to Mary (TD). However, this overly high assessment leads us to a misunderstanding that often arises, namely thinking of Marian Montfort's doctrine in isolation from the main context of her spiritual thought and experience as well as her missionary experience. A. Valentini explains that Montfort's Mariology is an integral part of a whole: deeply embedded in a christological, trinitarian and ecclesial context, without which it would be reduced to just one of many praiseworthy devotions. Montfort was especially conquered by the crucified Christ, by the wisdom-folly of the Cross: his Marian devotion and spirituality were subsumed into the service of the Wisdom (read: God-Jesus). Thus, the Mariology taught by Montfort is strongly based on Christology and the writings of True Devotion to Mary (TD) have a basis in the writings of Eternal Love of Wisdom (LEW). This writing is a fundamental Christological work, which is very necessary to understand the Marian Spirituality that he teaches thoroughly and to understand a more appropriate and adequate devotion to Mary. According to Montfort, Mary is a special path to obtain Divine Wisdom, the crucified Jesus Christ. In TD 157, he wrote: “This practice of devotion to the Blessed Virgin is a perfect way to go and unite oneself with Jesus Christ”. The path offered by Montfort (read: Mary) is basically the path opened by Jesus Christ and is the only path that will not lead Church members astray, because this is an easy, short, perfect and safe path that leads every Christian to arrive in Jesus, his Son (cf. TD 168).
Montfort's Mariology: a solid Marian Theology
According to the Montfort Spirituality expert, Fr. Gaffney, even though the Mariology of these "classical theologians" is not categorized into a complete and complete treaty, it has a solid theological foundation (cf. TD 14-36). Therefore, if people want to study the Mariology of this saint, then the following things are worth knowing: First, Montfort Mariology must be understood in a holistic context. This means that Marian doctrine is always understood in close connection with other theological disciplines, namely Christology, Ecclesiology, Pneumatology, etc. Or in the words of A. Valentini: “Montfort Mariology is an integral part of a whole: deeply embedded in a christological, trinitarian and ecclesial context.” (A. Valentini, “Una theologia mariana cristocentrica trinitaria ed ecclesiale”, L’osservatore Romano 29 April 2020). Montfort's mariological works are very Christocentric, trinitarian and ecclesial.
The Mariology of this saint is strongly linked to Christology and its famous masterpiece, True Devotion to Mary (TD). This article has a basis in other (Christological) writings, namely Love of Eternal Wisdom (LEW). Reading his Mariological and Christological books is important for anyone who is interested in understanding Montfort's theology and spirituality well and completely. All of this will help every Christian to fully understand the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary that he teaches more precisely and adequately.
Second, Montfort's Mariology is underpinned by a strong Christological framework and relies on Trinitarian mystery and action. His Marian Doctrine has a clear ecclesial aim, even leading to the work of pastoral ministry (missionary-apostolic dimension). This saint basically had a deep spiritual life and extraordinarily devoted himself to missions and the proclamation of the Gospel, especially to the poor. That is why, the Mariology Montfort taught was aimed at a simple audience and not intellectuals or professors at certain theological universities (cf. TD 26). As someone who had received theological education – although in the end he chose to study autodidactically in the library of the Saint Sulpice Seminary, France – his theological knowledge and thinking were very adequate. That is why Pope John Paul II called him a “classical theologian of great weight.” For this reason, we can say that when Montfort spoke about Mary, his teaching had a solid theological basis. In short, his Mariological building is very weighty and is built on a very strong theological foundation.
Third, Montfort's Mariology is basically not only weighty and has a solid theological foundation but is also very simple. Even though Montfort was not a theologian in the class of a professor who taught specifically at a theological college or university, his Mariological work was not only of high quality, but also deeply touched the simple people. His daily life is to do contextual theology and convey simple teachings to the marginalized (the poor and simple).
Montfort and Marian Pastoral
In all his Marian teaching, he never forgot his personal and pastoral experience. All these experiences support what he preaches. Montfort's writings were not primarily aimed at the intelligentsia but were addressed to the poor and simple. The reason is that this group accepts it more easily because they have good faith and faith than intellectuals (cf. TD 26). For this reason, as Alfons Bossard said, "his writings are more suitable to be read, studied and lived by the first group, because they will more easily and directly accept Montfort's thoughts, reflections and speaking style than the second group, because the faith of the first group is simpler.”” (A. Bossard, “True Devotion”, JLM, 1214).
It must be admitted, as Fr. Gaffney said, that Montfort, who was a missionary and spiritual writer in his time, never wanted to write a summa of Marian doctrine (Mariological tract). His genius can be seen in this, namely that he preached the Gospel authentically, and in his lifestyle and words he was able to lead people like the "Virgin Mary" to "hear the Word of God and keep it" (cf. Lk 11:28).
Montfort's spiritual thoughts and teachings can give us an idea of who he was and the theological interests and goals of his Marian doctrine. The Mariology evident from his writings has aroused the interest and reflection of theologians who continually discover its deep riches and never cease to be explored and developed. Happy Saint Montfort Day (28 April) and Proficiaat for 85 years of SMM's presence in Indonesia.
Fidel Wotan, SMM –
Indonesian Montfortian priest living in Rome.