Flores, 2-5 Juli 2024 – Montfort Youth from various places, namely: Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Poco and Mbeling gathered at the Montfortian Novitiate in Ruteng for the annual camp program. The participants numbered 182 people and were guided by Montfortian priests, several staff and two brothers who were currently undergoing a pastoral year. Sr. Elsiana, FMVI who led the medical team and Sr. Tesi, SCSC who leads the food team also took part in this program. There are also several soldiers who help us with security, transportation, sound systems, etc. The theme of this meeting is “Let the Fire of God Come Down.” For this special event there is also a theme song written by P. Fransiskus Danga, SMM; P. Hironimus A. Dodunias, SMM; and P. Dominikus Siong, SMM.

At the opening celebration, a solemn mass was held led by P. Kasimirus Friday, SMM at 18.00; followed by several activities such as dinner, explanation of camping rules, holding group discussions, and introduction of accompanying staff. On the second day, these young people listened attentively to the presentation from P. Martinus Tamur, SMM which carried the theme "Burn Me with Your Fire" which was continued by P. Dominikus Siong, SMM which carried the theme "Here I am God". In his presentation, P. Martin Tamur, SMM said "we are like clay in God's hands. God, who is like a potter, never stops molding us. So, we are invited to let ourselves be shaped by God according to His will." On the other hand, P. Dominikus Siong, SMM invited the participants to become saints while presenting the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis. “You can be holy while you are still young. Therefore, use social media wisely like Carlo Acutis.” At the end of their presentations, the two speakers asked several questions to be discussed in the group.

Sore harinya diadakan promosi panggilan dari beberapa kongregasi seperti: DW, FCH, FMVI, dan SMM; diikuti oleh Adorasi, Taize dan Pengakuan. Setelah makan malam, semua peserta mengambil bagian dalam apa yang kami sebut “Berjalan dalam Iman.” Orang-orang berjalan berkelompok pada malam hari di tengah hutan. Di setiap postingan, ada staf yang menunggu dan mengujinya dengan menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan sulit. Mereka akan dihukum jika gagal menjawab. Pada hari ketiga, P. Hironimus A. Do Minggus, SMM berbicara tentang “Bersama Maria Melayani Tuhan.” Dia mendorong mereka untuk melayani orang lain dengan sukacita seperti Maria. Di akhir pemaparannya, beliau meminta mereka untuk berbagi pengalaman di masing-masing kelompok “Apakah mereka melayani orang lain dengan bahagia?” Setelah sharing, mereka dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok: dua kelompok mengunjungi panti asuhan di tempat berbeda dan satu kelompok mengunjungi Komunitas Gembala Baik dimana mereka belajar tentang ekologi. Dan setelah makan malam mereka menyuguhkan performance art yang dilanjutkan dengan api unggun. Pada hari keempat, mereka menandatangani komitmen bersama untuk mengembangkan kehidupan dan iman mereka sebagai Pemuda Montfort. Untuk mengakhiri acara ini, semua orang berkumpul di kapel untuk merayakan misa yang dipimpin oleh P. Heredi Suhartono, SMM. Pada saat itu, semua orang mengabdikan diri mereka kepada Yesus Kristus, Hikmah yang Menjelma melalui Tangan Maria.

Br. Wilton Woge, SMM
