AMQAH Indonesia

AMQAH shows that the spirituality of St. Montfort is not only lived by the Priests and Brothers of Montfortian (SMM), Daughter of Widom (DW) and the Brothers of Saint Gabriel but this spirituality can be lived by the laity so that they deepen their faith and vocation as members of the Church. In Indonesia, at first, the lay people who lived Saint Montfort's spirituality were called Kerabat Santo Montfort (KSM), but now it has been changed to the Union of Mary Queen of All Hearts, a name used throughout the world.

What is the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts?
This Association was founded by Mgr. Thomas Duhamel, Archbishop of Ottawa-Canada, on March 25, 1899. AMQAH is a forum for deepening Christian life, whether lay, religious or clerical. In this forum, each member takes part in the spiritual path inherited by St. Louis Marie de Montfort (1673-1716), a saint from France. Saint Montfort is known as a missionary who in the Holy Spirit blazed to seek and serve Jesus, the Wisdom who lived in Mary.

What is AMQAH for?
The Union of Mary Queen of All Hearts was formed to help each of its members become witnesses of the truth of the Gospel and grow towards the holiness of the Christian life. That is the purpose of us being baptized into Christ's followers. But it must be admitted that human weaknesses often interfere with our faithful commitment to the baptismal promises, and hinder our spiritual growth. Therefore the baptismal promise needs to be renewed constantly, day by day, for life. According to St. Montfort, the most perfect way to renew Baptist promises is to devote oneself completely to Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, through the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Holy Spirit.

What is Consecration to Jesus through Mary? Saint Montfort called this Consecration more than an ordinary devotion in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Why? Because it is a total self-offering driven by love for Jesus, through His Mother, Mary. Now, through this self-dedication, we will live out our baptismal promises in the spirit of Our Lady. Just as Mary once answered 'yes' to God, she remained true to that answer for the rest of her life, so in this self-dedication, Mary helps us to be faithful to the 'yes' answer that was given in our baptismal promises. Or in St. Montfort, we will walk towards holiness, through Mary, with Mary, in Mary, and for Mary, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then Mother Mary herself will lead and lead us to become one and like her Son, Jesus. This is the ultimate goal of our Christian life.

How to become a AMQAH member?

Registration: you can contact one of the AMQAH regional centers
following the Initial Coaching known as the "Totus Tuus Pilgrimage". Initial Formation is a time of preparation for Self Consecration. This preparation is carried out in four stages: the first stage is to explore the introduction of the spirit of the world. Furthermore, the next three stages in a row explore the introduction of self, the introduction of Mary, and the introduction of Jesus Christ. (Compare Book of True Devotion to Mary, No. 227-230).

Self-Dedication: After completing the initial training, prospective members of PMRSH will perform self-dedication in a special ceremony. This ceremony is also a form of acceptance of someone officially becoming a member of AMQAH.

Follow-up Coaching: After officially becoming a member of AMQAH, each member will live his life in the spirit of self-dedication and continue to follow the follow-up training (weekly, monthly, yearly) according to the regional agreement. This further development is more of a refresher and an opportunity to strengthen each other between PMRSH members in togetherness.

What is special about AMQAH?
AMQAH is an open forum for every Catholic. The condition is that the person has been baptized. It is these baptismal promises that will later be renewed and lived more deeply through PMRSH's dedication.

A person who enters AMQAH may remain involved in various other ecclesiastical institutions that he has participated in. Also after officially becoming a member of PMRSH one is free to get involved in various other categorical groups. So the entry of a person to become a member of PMRSH will not break his relationship with the groups that were followed previously.

The concentration of coaching PMRSH members is on spirituality. AMQAH is not primarily known from the appearance of visible activities but the inner appreciation of each member. This inner appreciation is expected to bear fruit in the attitude and testimony of life in the family, environment, parish, workplace, and wherever he lives and works. The form of ministry work may be different, some may even be unable to serve outside due to various demands of the situation, but he still lives his whole life in the same spirit: as a witness to the Gospel in the holiness of life. So PMRSH's concentration is mainly on sticking to the pillars of a solid foundation of faith in each of its members.

AMQAH Indonesia regional centers:

Fr. Yohanes Jefriandi Jedabu, SMM
Provincial House
Gunung Kencana Street 8-10, Bandung 40142
Phone: 022-2035443
Cell Phone: 0812-3874-8541

Fr. Laurentius Ariston, SMM
Noviciate of Montfortian
Langgo, Kel. Carep, Kec. Langke Rembong, Ruteng – Flores, NTT  86511
Cell Phone: 0813-1722-3726

Fr. Laurensius Gafur, SMM
Montfort Seminary
Joyo Agung Street 100, Joyogrand, Malang 65144
Phone: 0341-558034/558035
Cell Phone: 0821-3829-0092

Fr. Martin Tamur, SMM
Deo Soli Mission House
Jl. Lintas Timur Km 5,
Putussibau 78711, Kalimantan Barat
HP: 0857-5145-5897

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