In the first week of Lent (18 February 2024), we are invited to reflect on the events of Jesus' temptation in the desert for 40 days. Pastor Anton in his sermon reflected that Jesus' "desert" experience was not just a matter of being tempted but an experience where, humanly, the Lord Jesus truly knew himself, his human tendencies, his weaknesses, and his opportunities. From this reflection, the Chapter for SMM Indonesia must be an experience of self-knowledge. An opportunity to really go within ourselves to recognize our weaknesses and learn to grow.
For SMM Indonesia, today is the opening of the SMM Indonesia Province chapter which will run for the next six days. Since the 15th the capitulants have begun to arrive from their places of duty. For this chapter, for the first time, we are using a new house in the Pondok Kebijaksanaan Montfort Seminary - Malang. To facilitate this activity, on the evening of the 16th, the entire chapter together with the scholastic brothers performed a house blessing service.
After the opening Mass, the capitulants gathered in the meeting room. At exactly 17.30, the chapter started the chapter with the first day's agenda, namely provincial and general remarks, introduction of facilitators and secretaries, selection of scrutators, steering committee, as well as viewing and discussing the schedule of joint activities during the chapter. Today's activities closed with the ratification of the daily activity schedule.
RP. Yohanes Kurniawan Jawa, SMM