The culmination of the 2022 Asia-Oceania Continental Mission Year in Montfortian, the Flores region, centered on the Santo Montfort Poco Parish, was lively. Coinciding with the patronage of the Parish of Saint Montfort Poco, April 28, 2022. This celebration is marked by various faith and cultural activities. Among them is the mission of the people of Montfortian (04/27/2022) which is packaged in a catechesis with the theme of renewing the baptismal vows according to the teachings of Saint Montfort. This mission was facilitated by the Montfortians (SMM) of the Flores area and AMQAH Ruteng supported by the Sisters Daughter of Wisdom (DW).
Misi umat dilakukan di 15 wilayah Paroki Santo Montfort Poco. Sebelum turun ke KBG-KBG untuk bermisi, para montfortan dan PMRSH diterima secara adat di aula Paroki Santo Montfort Poco. Setelah makan malam tim misi berangkat menuju titik yang telah ditentukan oleh Panitia, Pastor Paroki dan DPP. Adapun tujuan misi ini ialah agar iman umat mendapat pencerahan dan pembaharuan. Misa puncak perayaan misa digereja paroki Santo Montfort Poco dipadati oleh umat dari seluruh wilayah paroki. Para Pastor montfortan berkonselebrasi dalam perayaan ekaristi diiringi koor meriah oleh para frater dari novisiat. Dalam kotbah Pastor Kristian, SMM selaku selebran utama dan dalam sambutannya sebagai coordinator SMM wilayah Flores berpesan kepada umat agar selalu memiliki kesetiaan dan ketaat kepada ajaran Yesus. Model yang dipakai ialah sikap hidup beriman seperti Bunda Maria.
At the end of the culmination of the Eucharistic celebration, all people were invited to sing the theme song RISE AND SHINE together. The event continued with a friendly atmosphere while watching the creative arts entertainment from Montfort Youth. This memorable art event really presented many stories, including the realization and love of local culture as a mission field, and gave a valuable message for the involvement of the church members in the parish of Santo Montfort Poco, especially in pumping the spirit of missionaries to become reporters and witnesses of Christ in the midst of this world. Some of the events performed by the Montfort youths were Testify to love from Montfort youth Ruteng, regional dance creations from Montfort youth Labuan bajo, rangkuk Alu dance from Montfort youth Ting, congka sae dance from Montfort youth Wetok and vocal group from Montfort youth Lidang and Welong. The Brothers of Novices and priests as well as the Sisters are also present in a concerted entertainment program.
Rise and Shine!. Montfort In Asia-Oceania
Fr. Kosmas Ambo Patan, SMM