KISANGANI, RDC - On March 23, 2022, during the Eucharistic celebration, our colleagues Trésor (Congolese), Ephrem (Congolese), François (Burundian) and Éric (Burundian) made their perpetual vows. Éric and François are the first two Burundians to make their perpetual vows.
that is to say, to seek an elder who can help them because perpetual vows do not mean the end of the response to one's vocation. He asked them to carry their daily cross with a fixed gaze on Christ. After the homily, Father Louis Guelord ASEME, the Superior Delegate received the vows from our colleagues.
Among those present during the Mass were the whole Montfortian family: the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, the Daughters of Wisdom, lay associates, colleagues and the faithful. After the Mass, a fraternal meal was organized.
On March 25, 2022, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, the Archbishop of Kisangani/RDC, Marcel Utembi Tapa conferred the diaconal ordination on our 4 colleagues at Saint Paul Parish. During this same Eucharistic celebration, 4 other religious priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were also ordained deacons. In his homily, the Archbishop insisted on the role of the deacon and what the deacon must do in the Church. The Mass saw the participation of many priests, religious men and women and lay people. After the Mass, a fraternal meal was served. We wish a very good mission to the new deacons.