Malang – 2023 will be an important year for the SMM Province of Indonesia because in this year we takes the first stage of the Provincial Chapter that determines the direction of our journey. The Chapter meeting will be held from Tuesday, January 10 to January 13, 2023 at the Hermanas Carmelitas Malang Prayer House owned by the H.Carm Sisters.
The Chapter participants are selected from every entity/region, formation, and provincial council member. Father Antonius Tensi, SMM as Province, Father Arnoldus Suhardi SMM as delegate of General Council, Father Melkior Jelalu, SMM as Provincial Secretary, Father Rofinus Jewarut SMM as Provincial Bursar, Father Kristian Jumi Ngampu, SMM as member of the Provincial Council, Father Gregorius Pasi SMM as member of the Council Province, Father Yohanes Sumadi SMM as a member of the Provincial Council, Father Yosef Jehara, SMM as a member of the Provincial Council, Father Yosef Dwi Watun SMM representing the formation community, Father Marselinus Lobi, SMM, Father Heredi Suhartono, SMM representing the formation community, Father Rafael Servian Lepen, SMM as a representative from the West Kalimantan region, Brother Nikolaus Narimo SMM as a representative from the West Kalimantan region, Father Yakobus Rua Bai SMM as a representative from the West Kalimantan region, Father Stefanus Seli SMM as a representative from the West Kalimantan region, Father Furmensius Andi SMM as a representative from the Central Kalimantan region, Father Cosmas Ambo Patan, SMM as the representative of the Flores region, Father Kasimirus Jumat, SMM as the representative of the Flores region, Father Herman Joseph Nuwa Nupa, SMM as the representative of the Flores region.
To expedite the Provincial Chapter, a committee was created that led by Father Kristian, SMM and assisted by Father Melkior Jelalu, SMM, Father Rofinus Jewarut, SMM and Father Albertus Arif, SMM.
The Chapter begins with a Eucharistic celebration led by the Father Provincial accompanied by the Provincial Secretary, Father Melchior SMM. In his homily, Father Anton stressed that the teaching power of Jesus was different from the scribes. His teaching has an authority that inspires people to know God. This is also important for our preaching. To what extent does our preaching really have an impact on the people and our own lives? Therefore, we must evaluate our preaching: What is the impact on the people who listen to our sermons and do we also live up to the message we preach.
Furthermore, the Provincial Father expressed his gratitude to Father Ignatius Budiono, O.Carm who became the Facilitator during Provincial Chapter. And Then, Father Provincial welcomed all the participants and introduced all the chapter participants. Father Budiono will be the facilitator during the chapter, as well as providing recollection materials with the theme "Faithfulness in monastic life." Recollection starts at 20.00 WIB until finished.
Thus we convey the activities of the first day of the Chapter of SMM Province of Indonesia.
Fr. Albertus Aris, SMM