PIR Butong In celebrating the Continental Mission Year in Asia-Oceania, the SMM Year of Mission thanksgiving team, especially in Bukit Sawit, held a Montfort Youth Gathering (TOMM) between PIR Butong Parish and Kandui Parish. The theme of Montfort Youth was ' Montfort Youth (TOMM) who rise and shine for others.' This gathering was arranged with a camping model. TOMM members sleep in tents with board prepared by the committee. The activities were carried out at the PIR Butong parish for three days, starting from May 13 to May 15, 2022. This activity was entirely under the directives of Fr. Frumens and Fr. Dias.
Kandui Parish sent approximately 50 participants, the companions, and Br. Temi. While the PIR Butong parish became the committee and at the same time included TOMM from the station to take part in the activity. There were 118 young people who attended. TOMM Kandui and TOMM PIR Butong were asked to mingle and form groups. This activity is also filled with people who are experienced in exploring the lives of young people and their daily interactions from the economic, health, and security perspective. In the midst of the economic crisis that occurred in Indonesia due to the covid-19 pandemic, Mr. Heru, who is a businessman and motivator, gave tips on how to develop a business.
Pihak keamanan yang diwakili oleh satu satu polisi juga memberikan materi bagaimana pasal-pasal yang berlaku bagi kaum muda apabila mereka melakukan pelanggaran seperti mengonsumi minuman keras, pergaulan bebas dan berbagai kenakalan remaja lainnya. Doktyer Harry, kepala puskesmas PIR Butong memberikan materi tentang penyakit-penyakit yang seringkali dialami oleh orang muda. Sedangkan Pak Agus dari CU memberikan kesadaran akan pentingnya menabung sejak kini. Selain bidang ekonomi, kesehatan dan keamanan, kegiatan temu orang muda ini juga diisi oleh materi dari Rm. Frumens tentang tema: Bangkit dan Bersinar bagi sesama dikaitkan dengan semangat hidup Santo Montfort. Orang muda perlu bangkit dari kehidupan mereka, masa lalu mereka dan keluar untuk bersinar bagi sesama. Santo Montfort adalah contoh orang muda yang sudah bangkit dan menjadi terang bagi sesama. Ada juga session promosi panggilan dari Rm. Dias bersama para frater dan suster SJMJ dan SPC. Kegiatan ini juga dilengkapi dengan outbond yang dirancang dengan atraksi-atraksi yang menarik serta rekreasi bersama dalam rangka mempererat tali persahabatan di antara mereka.
In addition to the fields of economy, health, and security, this youth gathering was also filled with material from Fr. Frumens on the theme: Rise and Shine for others is associated with St. Montfort's spirit of life. Young people need to rise from their lives, and their past and come out to shine for others. Saint Montfort is an example of a young person who has risen and been a light to others. There is also a call promotion session from Rm. Dias with the brothers and sisters of SJMJ and SPC. This activity is also equipped with an outbound which is designed with interesting attractions and joint recreation in order to strengthen the friendship between them.
Fr. Frumens