Montfort Lay Associates in Monte Mario drilled into the school of Mary

MONTE MARIO, Rome - On May 8, 2022, AMQAH of San Luigi de Montfort parish in Monte Mario, Rome, Italy were drilled into the school of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Fr. Severo AGOSTINELLI, SMM.

Fr. Severo, a member of the Generalate Community who also helps at San Luigi de Montfort parish, shared to AMQAH the Marian prayer of the Rosary, St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort from the "treatise on true devotion to Mary" and the 59th World Day of Prayer for Vocations message of Pope Francis. The formation with the lay associates took place at the Montfort Missionaries Generalate Grotto dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes.

On Marian prayer of the Rosary in the month of May, Fr. Severo began with the explanation of the profound Marian devotion of the Italians in the month of May, a devotion which starting from the Middle Ages, slowly developed.

In the sixteenth century, the Marian devotion of the month of May received a strong impulse: St. Philip Neri taught young Romans to surround the image of the Mother of God with flowers, to sing her praises. From then until today, first in the communities of nuns or friars and then, gradually in all parish communities, the rosary was and is prayed in churches, in front of newsstands on certain streets, and even in neighborhoods and courtyards of houses. In this month, which is also favorable for the summer, pilgrimages to the various parish or diocesan Marian shrines multiply. Fr. Severo said quoting an article from Arcidiocesi di Oristano.

Then, he proceeded with the sharing on the apostles of the last times - St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort from the "treatise on true devotion to Mary". He concluded with the 59th World Day of Prayer for Vocations message of Pope Francis released on 8th May - Good Shepherd Sunday - themed 'Called to Build the Human Family'.

In an interview with the Montfort Communications, Paula Capponi, a mother of two children and grand child who is one of the lay associates said that she was impressed with the lessons shared by Fr. Severo. She highlighted that the lessons are refreshing her in understanding more about Mary and St. Montfort.

The Montfort Lay Associates meet every first Sunday of the month. Fr. Severo animates the Montfort spirituality to the parishioners and the lay associates in particular.

Montfort Communications
