Third Day of the Indonesian SMM Chapter

The third day of the chapter, February 20 2024, proceeded as usual; starting with morning worship and following morning Mass led by RP Heredi Suhartono, SMM. After the mass was finished, the participants all enjoyed the breakfast that was provided. After breakfast, exactly at 7:00 p.m. 08.00 WIB everyone gathered again in the meeting room to take part in the next session of this chapter.

Today's main agenda is to deepen the sharing of the 2018-2024 Vision and Mission evaluation results documents which were previously summarized by the committee. Also the 2023 General Chapter Deed and the results of the second day's discussion are important materials for today's in-depth study. So, all capitulants were divided into three groups to study these documents, assisted by several guiding questions provided by the Steering Committee (SC). Group discussions run from morning until 12.30 WIB.

After that, it was followed by marial prayers for about half an hour until lunch time at 10 p.m. 13.00 WIB. After the afternoon break, the capitulants gathered again at 7 p.m. 16.30 WIB for plenary discussion results for each group. It is hoped that the results of this group discussion will produce important points that will become priorities to be achieved in the next 6 years.

The results of the first group discussion were presented by Fr Herman, SMM, group two was presented by Fr Edi, SMM and group three was presented by Fr Kosmas, SMM. After listening to a group presentation, there is always an opportunity for each chapter to provide a response and everyone is involved in the discussion. Finally, at 7 p.m. 18.35 WIB the facilitator closed the meeting for the day and continued with afternoon worship together.

As usual, after afternoon worship followed by dinner together. After that, each participant was given the opportunity to relax together for about half an hour, while the SC continued with SC meetings every 10 p.m. 20.00 WIB. Likewise, the secretariat team continues to work on completing the meeting minutes for the day in question.

RP. Melikor Jelalu, SMM
