General Chapter on 16 May 2023

Rome – The General Chapter experienced another important day today: the choice of the four confreres who, together with the Superior General, will animate our Congregation for the next six years. Prepared with care spiritually but also technically, the election took place in an atmosphere of fraternity and serenity, also respecting the criteria that have emerged in recent days.

The elected confreres are: Fr. Jesùs Leopoldo CUCHO PUCHURI, SMM of the Peru-Brazil delegation; Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM of the Province of Italy, former Assistant General; Fr. Paul Lonely MASHONGA, SMM of the Anglophone General Delegation; Fr. Prem KUMAR, SMM of the Vice Province of India. Best wishes to them for a good teamwork with Fr. Dwi. With the succession of votes, we arrived at lunchtime!

We then met for the Marian prayer at 3:00 p.m. at the end of which an afternoon of rest was announced to us, except for the Superiors of the various entities who met with the new General Council to deepen the strategy of accompaniment as the whole Congregation to the Montfortian mission in France.

The presider of the Eucharist, brought forward at 6.30 p.m., is Fr. Richard MAGARARU, SMM belonging to the GB/I community, assisted at the altar by the members of the newly elected General Council, as if to signify his support for the smallest Entity of the Congregation. The dinner, preceded by the aperitif and concluded by the cake and the traditional photo, allowed us to congratulate the newly elected.

Montfort Communications
