Father Dwi Watun: The New Superior General

ROME, Italy The Company of Mary is holding its General Chapter in Rome. As before, this General Chapter will also be held at the retreat house of the Passionist monks, near the historic Colosseum building. The chapters or Chapter participants are 53 people and come from various countries. Among the participants were seven Indonesians, namely Fr. Arnold, Fr. Anton, Fr. Dwi, Fr. Kasmir, Fr. Kristian, Fr. Aloy, and Fr. Charles.

One of the important agenda items in the 38th General Chapter is the election of a Superior General. One day before the election, the chapter participants, in small groups, discussed the qualities that the new Superior General should possess. The results of the discussions from each group are shared with all participants in the plenary session. After that, each participant was asked to write two names of candidates for Superior General. Then a small team consisting of the facilitator and two former Superior Generals, namely Fr. William Considine and Fr. Santino Brembilla, were tasked with identifying the names proposed by the capitulans and contacting the individuals concerned to ask for a solution. This team informed the capitulans about three people who had expressed their willingness to be nominated as Superior Generals. Next, the capitulans enter an atmosphere of discernment and prayer to ask for the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

The election of the Superior General will be held on Tuesday, 09 May 2023. At 09.00, a mass is celebrated to invoke the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Mass was led by Mgr. Rui Manuel Valerio, SMM, a bishop from Portugal. After Mass, all the chapters still gather in the chapel. The election of the Superior General is held in the chapel. Bishop Valerio helped expedite the election process. After the selection process went through several rounds, Fr. Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma Watun, SMM was elected as the 23rd Superior General. The results of this election were greeted with enthusiasm and joy by all the district heads. Happiness shone on everyone's faces. All participants congratulated Fr. Dwi and also the Province of SMM Indonesia. A simple welcoming party for the new Superior General was held at lunch. A livelier celebration of joy was held at a joint dinner at the SMM General's House, in Monte Mario.  

This General Chapter has created a new history. For the first time, the Superior General of SMM came from Asia and the Province of SMM Indonesia. Let's support Fr. Dwi in carrying out his new mission. Let us continue to ask the prayers of Our Lady, Saint Louis de Montfort, and Blessed Marie Louise for Fr. Dwi so that he can lead the Congregation wisely so that the Montfortian mission in the Church and amid the world will be more fruitful and growing. Congratulations to Fr. Dwi, SMM.

Fr. Kristian Ngampu, SMM
