Day Four of SMM Indonesia Chapter
The title used for this news is a summary of what the Indonesian provincial SMM chapter participants did today.
Read The Reality
Facilitated by RP. Ignasius Budiono, O.Carm, our captains are invited to look together at the reality of our province today. The reality in question is the good things that have developed, the things that should receive attention, and the things that should be added to our pilgrimage as Montfortan. Many experiences in our travels show these things. The capitulants were asked to make an inventory of all these things.
Formulating Expectations
After seeing what had become a reality in the course of our union, the capitulants gathered in groups. Together as a group, the captains formulate things that need attention and what concrete steps to take to achieve this. Some points of concern include Montfortan identity, spirituality, formation, Montfort-style evangelization, ecological issues and the integrity of creation, save guarding, planning culture, property management, leadership, and other important matters in the journey of the union.
Painting The Future
After the capitulants were together in small groups, they returned in large groups. Guided by RP exercise. Ignasius Budiono, O.Carm as facilitator, representatives from each group explained their shared ideals as an entity. They convey what their hopes are, and reveal what concrete steps they will take to achieve those goals. The main ideas discussed in the group were then divided into three parts. The first part is called DECISIONS, namely things that the province and the council will have to work on in leading this entity. The second thing is called RECOMMENDATIONS, namely hopes or ideas submitted as proposals to the province and its council. This proposal is not binding. And the third thing is a MEMORANDUM, namely an idea or idea that is conveyed simply as a note not to be forgotten. The hope is that this will continue to receive attention.
Due to the tiring activities of the past few days, in the evening, we had the opportunity to relax.
RP. Wawan, SMM