RUTENG – On Thursday, January 05, 2023, at 06.45 WITA a festive morning service was held as well as as well as the inauguration of a new community leader at the Ruteng SMM Novitiate. The moment of inauguration was carried out after the requem mass of Pope Benedict XVI was held. The requem mass is not merely a formator's policy in the community, but on the basis of information issued from Rome. The moment of inauguration of the new community leader contrasts with the Pope's memorial mass. There is happiness that must be tasted by community members because a new leader has been elected, but on the other hand, there is sadness because a leader in the Catholic Church has returned to the bosom of the Father in heaven. However, community members remain happy. The election of Father Heredi Suhartono, SMM or who is familiarly called Father Edi, SMM and his inauguration by the provincial of SMM Indonesia presupposes that he is officially as a leader of the postulate and novitiate community, as well as becoming a magister for novices.
In the Novitiate community, rules are enforced like a vacation period. This means that the standard community rules are abolished for the time being. Thus, the morning prayer time is preceded by mass. After the requem mass, a lively morning service was held led by Fr. Anton, SMM as the head of the province of SMM Indonesia. This ceremony took place solemnly. The short reading in the breviary was replaced by the reading of the Prayer for Missionaries number 1. After it was read, Father Anton gave a short homily. It contains a reaffirmation of the duties of a community leader, and their expectations. He even associated the moment of the inauguration with the requem Mass held earlier. Father Anton, SMM said: "Keep in mind that there are 3 tasks of a community leader, namely: striving to carry out the predetermined vision and mission in the community, trying to improve the welfare of community members, not only the formandi (postulant-novices), but also colleagues in the community, namely fellow formators, and lastly, together with the provincial decide every agreement made without having to act unilaterally and without the knowledge of the provincial. This is all done in order to create togetherness and cooperation.” The Provincial Father hopes that community leaders should devote 90% of their time, energy and energy to the postulancy brothers and novices so that they truly know God intimately. He added, “community leaders must be at the forefront so they can show the right path to their members. He can also be behind his members to support, encourage them, and in the end the community leader is also on either side of his members to be a companion and friend in their journey.” Father Anton, SMM then quoted again the words issued by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI when he was about to breathe his last, "I love You, Lord". For Father Anton, SMM, these words are very meaningful when connected with the moment of the inauguration that is being held. In fact, we are all made aware that our lives depend entirely on Him. We give ourselves completely to God. It's the same with this new mission for Fr. Edi, SMM.
After a short homily, it was followed by a question and answer ceremony between Fr. Anton, SMM and Fr. Edi, SMM, as well as taking the oath. Last session, document signing. Before ending the festive morning service, Fr. Anton, SMM as well as representing his board members gave a proficient speech to Fr. Edi, SMM. Father Anton, SMM also reminded again that the task of being a community leader is not easy. However, it is all possible when everything is submitted to God. "Congratulations on this new assignment. We will all always pray for you”, said the Father Provincial.
This was the inauguration ceremony for the postulate and novitiate leaders of Ruteng SMM. Father Edi, SMM together with community members hope that all confreres will pray for us. In this way, all the plans and efforts that will be made will be carried out well, and the most important thing is that the formandi are firmer in their commitment to always stay with God. Amen.
Novitiate Community