1st May General Capter 2023

1st May:

The 38th General Chapter of the Company of Mary opened this morning in the splendid setting of the retreat house of the Passionist Fathers in Rome. After the innumerable round trips to Fiumicino airport by Brother Désiré and the other members of the Generalate, we were almost complete this morning. The opening mass presided over by Fr. Luizinho began with a procession from the large cross installed in the courtyard of the house. There was intense prayer and great emotion at the call of the participants.

The day was then characterized by the execution of the procedures necessary for the smooth running of the Chapter. In the afternoon, aided by well-prepared videos, the Superior General and the General Assistants presented a REPORT of the activities of these six years, placing special emphasis on the initiative of the different continental years and the work of the various committees.

Although the weather did not help us, what characterized this day was the joy of BEING together: meetings among colleagues; already experienced capitulants; recruits a little lost and curious... but all eager to "DARE TO RISK FOR GOD AND HUMANITY, OUR CREATIVE FIDELITY".
