SMM Indonesia Chapter Day Six: Provincial and Council Elections

We entered the last day of the chapter, February 23, 2024. The morning opened with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Meanwhile, the previous night, the capitulants had heard the names of three provincial candidates. So, on the occasion of this adoration, the capitulants brought in their reflections three names of provincial candidates which had been read by the Father Superior General.

After breakfast, at 08.00, the chapter gathered in the room where the chapter was held. The opening prayer of the chapter was led by Father Bartolomeus Raga, SMM. Next, the facilitator invited the Father Superior General to deliver his opening remarks before the provincial elections. Father Superior General reiterated to the capitulants the criteria for a provincial as previously known in the poll of provincial candidates.

After listening to welcoming remarks from Father Superior General, the facilitator, namely Father Ignasius Budiono, OCarm read out the provincial election process based on the Indonesian Province SMM Statute. After reading the Statute, everyone sang the song “Come, Most Holy Spirit.” This song makes the atmosphere of this election so sacred.  

After that, the Scrutator circulated the ballot paper that had been prepared by the secretariat. Through this election process, our new provincial was elected, namely Father Antonius Tensi, SMM. After being elected, Father Superior General asked Father Anton again regarding his willingness to become provincial. Father Anton said that he accepted this task as God's will. After that, the elected provincial father delivered remarks regarding the election of members of the provincial council.

Once we have a provincial, the facilitator continues by reading the process for selecting provincial council members based on the Indonesian Provincial SMM Statute. After going through an election process that took quite a long time, four members of the provincial council were elected, namely: Fr. Kasimirus Jumat, SMM; Fr. Heredi Suhartono, SMM; Fr. Fidelis Bolo Wotan, SMM and Fr. Melkior Jelalu, SMM. Every time a member of the council is elected, the provincial father does not forget to ask for confirmation regarding the willingness of the person concerned and that all of them are willing to become members of the provincial council.

Once the provincial and council members have been elected, the entire chapter process is over. So, the next step is signing the validation of the chapter documents and the attendance list of the chapter members on the day in question. After that, continue with evaluation. In essence, the chapter members were satisfied with the entire chapter process, both the place, the participants' participation in the chapter process, the camaraderie, and the dynamics of the meetings, which all ran smoothly.

In the afternoon at 10 p.m, the chapter closing mass was held led by the Bishop of Malang, Mgr. Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan, OCarm. This Mass was lively with a very beautiful liturgy prepared by the scholastic brothers. After the Gospel reading, the provincial inauguration ceremony and council followed by the provincial statement of faith. After that, the eucharistic celebration continued as usual.

At the end of the eucharistic celebration, there were welcoming remarks from the Bishop of Malang, Father Superior General, Father Provincial, and Father Gregorius Pasi, SMM as rector of the Montfort Seminary. The event ended with dinner with the capitulants and all members of the Malang "Pondok Kebijaksanaa" Montfort seminary community

RP. Melkior Jelalu, SMM
