Self Dedication Members of the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH) Batch XII

Malang, Indonesia Coinciding with Easter Sunday V, the House ofWisdom, Malang community celebrates the service of Dedication to Jesus through Mary according to the teachings of St. Montfort (hereinafter written Self Devotion) for members of AMQAH of the East Java Region batch XII. The new AMQAH members totaled 8 people. They are: Mr. Francis Hari Widodo, Mr. Donatus Rema, Mr. Daniel Dony Satyadi, Mr. Yeremias Agustinus Sae, Mrs. Lusia Lilik Sri Hartini, Mrs. Maria Sit Mutdrika, Mrs. Dolorosa Devy Romanda, and Mrs. Yovita Vrida Indriani. The Dedication Service takes place from 16.00 - 17.50.

This Self-Dedication Service was led by Fr. Lodofikus Ndona, SMM also acts as the National Delegate of AMQAH Indonesia and is accompanied by Fr. Hironimus Edison, SMM as well as the AMQAH Spiritual Advisor for the East Java Region. Also present as witnesses were Deacon Haris, SMM and Deacon Deny, SMM. The celebration took place very solemnly, quietly and joyfully. The Brothers were also present to help accompany this celebration with a choir and other worship services.

 This celebration is the beginning of a new birth and pilgrimage for those who gallantly dedicate themselves to Jesus through Mary. They participated in 33 meetings including recollection, reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and rehearsals for the celebration of Self-Dedication. There are many parties involved in this pilgrimage, in particular it is worth mentioning the role of Fr. Lorens, SMM who initiated the formation of this group. Several Brothers and Fr. Lodo himself was involved in providing the Totus Tuus pilgrimage so that the members of AMQAH XII were truly assisted to recognize and understand the meaning and meaning of Self Dedication. After completing the Consecration Service, all those present at this celebration have a banquet together. Thanks to good coordination and cooperation across generations (Class I-XI), all the food and drinks needed for social gatherings are available in abundance.

May 7th for the big Montfortan family is a special and special day. The Society of Marys of Montfortian has dedicated this day's date in memory of Blessed Marie Louise of Jesus. This Celebration of the Consecration of the Self is not an accident in itself but an arrangement of God himself. Just as he was open to Our Lady's encouragement to meet with Montfort, so are the eight new AMQAH members. Mother Mary herself moved them to get acquainted with the spirituality taught by St. Montfort. The hope is that after they perform the Dedication, Christ's likeness will increasingly appear and grow in their daily lives.

Fr. Hironimus Edison, SMM
