VATICAN – Thursday, 29th September 2022, Pope Francis announced the appointment of ten new consultors to the Dicastery for Communication at the Vatican. Fr. Andrew KAUFA, SMM, a member of the Company of Mary is one of them.
Fr. Andrew Ulemu KAUFA, SMM is currently the Coordinator of the Social Communications Department of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA) in Nairobi, Kenya.
In the official letter signed by the Vatican’s Secretary of State, His Eminence Petro Cardinal Parolin, the message reads, “The Supreme Pontiff Francis has appointed the Rev. Father Andrew KAUFA, SMM as a Consultant for Communication for five years.”
Fr. Andrew who will continue with his work at AMECEA Secretariat in Africa shared more about his appointment with AMECEA Online:
“This is not so much about me but all of us working in Church communication in AMECEA region, especially my colleagues here at AMECEA Secretariat. I would want to believe that Pope Francis appreciates people who listen and consult.”
Aside from Fr. Andrew, the other new consultors are:
- Father George Plathottam of the Salesians of Don Bosco and the Secretary of the Office of Social Communication of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences; • Helen Osman, President of SIGNIS, or the World Catholic Association for Communication;
- Oscar Elizade Prada, Coordinator of the Department of Communication of CELAM;
- Father Fabio Pasqualetti, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Pontifical Salesian University;
- Sister Veronica Donatello, Head of the National Service for the Pastoral Care of Persons with Disabilities of the Italian Bishops’ Conference;
- Sister Adelaide Felicitas Ndilu, National Executive Secretary of the Commission for Social Communications of the Kenyan Bishops’ Conference and Director of Radio Waumini;
- Tomas Insua, Executive Director of the Laudato Si movement;
- Profesor Antonio Cisternino, Presiden Sistem Informasi Ateno Universitas Pisa;
- John E. Corcoran, Pendiri Trinity Life Sciences.
Montfort Communications