General Chapter on 15 May

After a day of break, the third week of work for our Chapter begins with the approval to move forward with the project of the IMA Fund to give substance to what was discussed on Saturday.

Immediately afterwards, the draft of a letter addressed to all the confreres was given, in which the particular role of our Montfortian presence in France, in the places where Montfort lived and worked, was underlined, as as a source of renewal, study and radiance of our Montfortian charism. The invitation addressed to all entities and individuals is to pay attention and interest to these beautiful realities. The letter was discussed in linguistic groups and then again in the assembly.

We thus come to the third subject of the morning: the preparation for tomorrow's day with the election of the four confreres assistants of Fr. General. We continue this work also in continental groups according to bring out the challenges of each continent and the characteristics of the general assistant in charge of accompanying this continent.

We thus arrive at the personal expression of the candidates with an indicative vote in which it is possible to put 5 names. Father Jean Claude, helped by Fathers Bill and Santino, does the counting and verifies the availability of the most voted to be elected.

After dinner, Fr. Dwi summons us to the chapel to read the six names voted and available to be councilors. Let us remain in prayer, entrusting this important moment to the Lord and to the Blessed Virgin. And tomorrow we vote. I forgot! Today was the birthday of Fathers Guelord ASEME and Charles LETA and so we received more good pastries. Amen.
